The fishing season for the clam "Setashijimi", which is unique to Lake Biwa and is especially delicious during this cold season, is at its peak.

"Setashijimi" is an endemic species of Lake Biwa, and its name was given because it can be found in large numbers in the Seta area of ​​Otsu City.

It is characterized by its thick wall, and it is popular when the taste becomes more delicious, which is called "cold clam", especially during this time when the cold is severe, and fishing also reaches its peak.

From the morning of the 13th, a local fisherman who returned from fishing sifted the clams and divided them into large and small ones.

Furthermore, the living clams were separated by the difference in sound when dropped from a height of about 20 cm to the ground, and the landing on this day was about 1.5 kg.

In the first half of the Showa 30's, the landing of Setashijimi exceeded 5,000 tons per year, but in recent years it has decreased to about 50 tons, and Shiga Prefecture is working to restore resources such as improving the habitat.

Mamoru Yoshida of the Seta Town Fisheries Cooperative said, "I think you will appreciate the taste if you eat it. I want to keep this clam and leave it to future generations."