On January 10, the cold wave in Chengdu continued. In the Jianchuan Museum in Sichuan Province, the 13-year-old “Pig Strong” could only lie down most of the time during the Wenchuan Earthquake. He could no longer stand on his own. When eating, he needed a breeder to help him up.

"Pig is strong" all day lying on the straw covered with quilts and grilling the electric heater.

The breeder Gong Guocheng, who has taken care of it for 6 years, said that after the snow, the "pig is strong" situation has worsened, and hoped that it can end the Spring Festival and survive until May 12th and live to be 14 years old.

(Video source: Jianchuan Museum reporter Zhang Lang, editor Zhou Jing)

Editor in charge: [Bian Liqun]