Not everyone who has an affair wants to turn it into a relationship.

Lisa Fischbach:

That's right.

In infidelity, however, there can also be an opportunity to change the relationship in a positive way.

I am currently advising a woman who has cheated on her husband after 20 years of marriage and says of her husband: “I love him, we are a great team, we have a wonderful relationship, but he is not an emotional person and does not live the eroticism with me I long for. ”Couples often have major communicative misunderstandings, especially when it comes to sex: You think you know what the other person likes, but you don't ask any more.

If one side is unfamiliar, they suddenly start talking about themselves again, missed wishes and fantasies - and not infrequently they have unexpectedly good sex!


But doesn't that mean the famous “reconciliation sex”?