How do you start the big mucking out?

Even the wardrobe can pose a challenge.

Anne Weiss:

The wardrobe is still relatively simple because it is a limited space.

That's why I started with it and sorted out everything that I had never worn before: that which was completely

out of fashion

, pieces that I will never fit in again anyway, but also things that I have kept in case the Queen should comes to visit.

It doesn't happen to me that often though.


And if I did, I would rent a suitable dress.


How many times has it happened to you that you needed something that was a victim of your pursuit of minimalism?


Once, that was my tablet, which I also had with me in India.

I thought I didn't need both a tablet and a laptop and I sold it.

However, it is very useful for writing while traveling, so I bought another one when the next bike trip was due.

But it didn't cost a lot of time or money - it was a used one.

So yeah, I missed it, but my heart wasn't on it.


What do the three boxes in your room contain?