We're talking in front of the camera right now and you've also been in other media.

Do you sometimes have to dress up when doing a job?


Wigs belong in Carnival or Mardi Gras, but not a detectives.

No one has ever recognized me on the street who doesn't already know me personally.

If you see me here on the Internet now, you look at the report, you might find it great or you think it sucks.

But at the long end, after 24 hours, you forgot my face.

You don't expect to run into me on the street.

That is exactly the advantage.

We are not counted on.


Have you ever been exposed?


There have been targets who were extremely suspicious.

Where we then also noticed: Okay, we have to change staff here now.

And then the next day there were completely different colleagues with completely different cars.

Unmasked in the sense of never being burned.