After promising beginnings which were not really prolonged in time, the emission of Sophie Davant "The Letter", where stars make surprises to their fans, reviews its copy.

The show returns to France 2 with a new formula whose central objective is to attract more viewers.

Launched at the end of 2019, Sophie Davant's program

La Lettre

will experience a big change for its return to the France 2 antenna in 2021. 

The letter 

is an “entertainment” bonus, a superb word to designate a mix between emotion and entertainment.

The stars surprise their fans there, as in the heyday of

Stars at home


After an encouraging audience of 12% during the first premium, the second number could only count on 8% of the public.

Producers Carson and DMLSTV are therefore reviewing their copy. 

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This time, Sophie Davant's show wants to further personalize the surprises made to fans.

Thus, some of the invited stars - like Patrick Bruel, Louane or Carla Bruni - will rewrite the text of one of their songs, in order to celebrate the anonymous who will be honored.

France 2 also promises a warmer decor than that of the main stage of the Châtelet theater, considered not to be intimate enough, which was used until now.

To see this new version of 

La Lettre

, go to France 2 on January 16 at 9 p.m.