Recently, in the Yongxing Center Campus of Huaping County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, along with the "Naxi Trilogy", students dressed in ethnic costumes formed a circle and began to dance "ethnic inter-class exercises."

According to reports, the school currently has 410 students, including 267 ethnic minorities, including Mongolian, Yi, and Lisu, accounting for 65% of the total number of students.

  It is reported that the school integrates ethnic unity education into all links of education and teaching and innovates the form of inter-class exercises.

In addition to the ninth set of broadcast gymnastics, the students also took turns to learn and demonstrate traditional dances of the Lisu and Naxi nationalities.

The national culture entered the campus in the form of "inter-class exercises", which not only allowed the students to exercise their bodies, but also allowed the national culture and national spirit to be better consolidated and passed on.

  Reporter Dao Zhinan reports from Huaping, Yunnan

Editor in charge: [Fang Jialiang]