
Every Monday and Friday we publish a horoscope at ICONIST.

And it is regularly among the most-read articles every Monday and Friday.

Even if you don't believe in it, somehow many people want to read it, align themselves, maybe pull something out that fits, and differentiate themselves from what doesn't.

The reception motifs are varied, but they are there.

By the way, 23 percent of Germans say in a survey that they think that the stars influence life.

35 percent say they don't believe in horoscopes - but read them anyway.

Now there is a year ahead that one might be a little more interested in.

Randon Rosenbohm is an American astrologer and author who lives in Berlin.

She wrote us a great annual horoscope and looked at each zodiac sign individually.

Rosenbohm combines traditional and modern astrology for her analyzes.

About 2021 she says:


A number of solar and lunar eclipses await us in the coming year, which have been affecting us since 2020.

You are responsible for ensuring that we increasingly question our living conditions, finances and relationships.

2021 will also be a year of transformation, in which many zodiac signs will reinvent themselves and break away from toxic environments.

What exactly that means for the individual zodiac signs


The year could start with an unexpected move or an urge to change your home environment.

A big topic of 2021 is taking risks.


In 2021, Pisces shouldn't take it easy - and do things that require self-confidence and courage.



Aries should start a new study or go on a great journey.

Then you can look forward to a fulfilling year 2021 - but only if you let go of some things.


Taurus are ready to take the plunge on a completely different path.

If you feel that your job is holding you back from doing something else, you can choose to quit abruptly.


Right at the beginning of the year you will face a major change, because in 2021 you can finally break away from the old, says astrologer Randon Rosenbohm.

What twins should consider when starting over.



The year starts with some pleasant surprises in money matters.

But what you see as coincidence or bad luck at first can lead to something bigger than you could ever have imagined.


Astrologer Randon Rosenbohm predicts that Leo will have an unconditional will to free themselves - especially in professional matters.

Don't let any ambiguities put you off.


You are excited and would like to quit when things don't go as you imagine.

But take your time when it comes to drawing conclusions.


Your need for something tangible can conflict with your partner's values ​​- a big topic of 2021. That can lead to either something groundbreaking or something unpredictable.


If you are considering ending friendships or relationships, it can be a good thing.

But maybe a change is enough that doesn't necessarily have to mean an end.


A main topic for you in 2021 is what happens when you live out unconventional living habits.

The good news: you can find new ways to do just that.


Capricorns should take a critical look at what is important to you.

The year begins with some setbacks to your self-esteem.

Randon Rosenbohm is an American astrologer and author

Source: Randon Rosenbohm


It is known to astrology fans as the "Good Horoscope" on social media.

She describes herself as a "talkative Libra with a moon under the sign of Gemini, who likes to explain things in simple words".

The 27-year-old clearly states that she is not a clairvoyant, but rather has a keen interest in star constellations - and has studied and questioned them for years.

You can find everything about horoscopes here.