West China Metropolis Daily-Cover News Reporter Du Jiangqian Li Jiayu Photographic Report in Hui County, Henan

  In the year of standing, Li Yantao felt that she really knew her mother.

Her familiar mother is a peasant woman who has long lived in a small village in Hui County, Henan Province. She has a high forehead and deep eyes that are completely different from those of the locals. She speaks words that everyone does not understand, she does not know her name, or her hometown.

My mother seldom laughs. Even though she has lived here for more than 30 years, she still has an inaccessible distance from the vast plains of the north.

  And the other side of the mother is this: when the car is gradually driving into the lush mountains and forests in the southwest, the whole person is lit; the emotions become alive, will laugh and hold back tears; will pull on the street Neighbors have been doing homework for a long time, and they will drink and sing loudly.

She returned to the place where she was most comfortable, the hometown she finally found.

  On October 17, 35 years after being abducted, Deliang, a Buyi woman, finally returned to her hometown in Guizhou and met her family.

In the decades of living in Henan, she lived in a lonely world for more than half of her life. In thinking about her hometown, she had children and grew old until her children grew up.

  ——This is the story of a daughter who used a long effort to fulfill her mother's "obsession". It is also the mutual understanding and dedication between two generations. Between the past and the present, they finally choose to shake hands and make peace.

  35 years, my mother’s obsession has not changed

  The northern village in December is quiet and bleak.

After returning to Henan from Guizhou for more than a month, Deliang's mood finally calmed down.

Every afternoon, she would sit on the steps in front of her house, basking in the sun, and staying there for more than an hour.

Compared with the previous nagging in her hometown in Guizhou, she has become quiet, but there is a certain expectation in this quiet.

  She loves her one-and-a-half-year-old grandson Nuonuo. When she feeds her children, she will say, "Hurry up and eat, let’s go by plane and go to my grandfather." Occasionally, she met her neighbors on the street and dragged others over and over again. Repeat, "The place where I flew back last time (referring to my hometown of Guizhou), this year I will wait for the steamed buns during the Chinese New Year, and I will go back for the New Year.

  ——Having been abducted and left home for 35 years, her obsessions are still there even if her relatives are found.

  In the middle of the night on September 10 this year, Deliang’s daughter Li Yantao sent a recording of her mother’s speech to the blogger "Feng Xiaoxiao" who promoted the Bouyei language on the Internet. After confirming that it was Bouyei language, a group of Bouyei people in Guizhou just It took two and a half days to help Deliang find a home in Qinglong County, Guizhou.

  In fact, there are too many moving details in this story: Huang Defeng, the unknown "Feng Xiao Xiao", is enthusiastic to help, and more and more Buyi people join in the search and jointly find ways to advance.

  But in the whole process, as Deliang's daughter, Li Yantao is the most difficult existence to ignore.

Behind the seemingly smooth search is one thing she has identified since she was young-finding a home for her abducted mother.

Mother's obsession is her wish.

  Finally, Li Yantao took her mother back home.

From the plains in the north to the verdant jungles of the southwest, she saw people who spoke the same language as her mother. When they were embracing each other, she was crowded out of the crowd and her eyes were red. When they chatted, she sat quietly On the side, don't bother.

This is her mother's hometown. She also eats spicy food, has a high forehead, and has the genes in her body.

  Li Yantao found that as long as it was in front of her parents, even Deliang, who was a grandmother, still had a thousand willful emotions.

When the video was connected, she would complain, "You can't see the child, are you worried or crying? When I go back, I won't run around, never run around again, and will be obedient." I would ask my mother, "Eat more food, if you wear so little, can you wear the things you buy for you?" He would also tell his father, "Don't drink. Drinking is not good and it is not good for your health."

  Li Yantao has never seen such a mother, with childlike stubbornness, but such Deliang makes her happy.

  "Where did my mother come from?"

  This winter, Deliang's story of finding a home also broke the tranquility of the village.

For a long time, the foreign woman named "Hey", the language that no one can understand, finally solved the mystery.

Li Yantao remembered that on the day she went home, people she knew and didn’t know were sitting in her yard, asking in every detail, "How did you find it and did you spend money?" "How is your mother's house? White rice?"

  Li Yantao didn't want to explain too much. In the eyes of everyone, being abducted for 35 years and still finding a home may be the best outcome.

  From a very young age, Li Yantao knew that she had a different mother.

There are too many inquiries around this foreigner who is so different in language and appearance.

At school, other children would call her "little dumb", walking on the way out of school, and someone behind her said, "This is that man's daughter."

  What kind of person is "that person"?

During her growing years, Li Yantao had long stared at herself in the mirror. With high forehead, deep eyes, and dark skin, many friends initially thought she was a girl from Sichuan and Chongqing.

  "Where did my mother come from?" She asked her father this way, and her father would tease her, "Your mother is a foreigner." She turned her head angrily, recorded her mother's words, took it with her, and walked in the county town. , When someone from outside is speaking a dialect she doesn't understand, she must catch up and let people listen and confirm.

  Later, her father took her to the county TV station specifically to post a tracing notice. When asked for specific information, where she was from, and what her name was, the father and daughter were dumbfounded and could not answer either.

Later, according to the clothes described by her mother, she found many national costumes for her to recognize, but none of them was recognized by her mother.

  She has also been deceived, more than once.

The classmate said that she knew a language expert, so she spent a month's living expenses asking someone to eat and surf the Internet, but the language expert didn't see it. For the remaining half a month, she drank water when she was hungry at school. The unnecessary steamed buns lost more than 20 kilograms in weight, and they were nicknamed "noodles" because they were too thin.

  It seems that when she needs her most, she is alone.

She grew up in solitude and was used to making her own decisions about everything.

When she was 13 years old on her first period, she went to the health center to get hemostatic medicine. No one, including her mother, had given her a physical hygiene class.

Later, when she got married, all her relatives and friends came to help, making it lively.

I saw my mother standing in the crowd, embarrassed.

She pulled her mother and gave her a big hug.

  From the perspective of a woman, to understand her

  She never complained about Deliang.

  "My mother's life is blank. Her entire life is her father, me, younger sister, and grandson, no more." Li Yantao felt that she had no position to criticize her mother for being different, even though she could not help the family with the fair, and did not give her children. I have bought beautiful clothes, a pair of socks can be sewn over and over again, and I have worn them for 3 years.

  When Li Yantao grew up and understood her mother from the perspective of a woman, she felt wronged.

  "A woman who was beaten and abducted to a completely different place. It's you. Would you be afraid?" In those years called "Hey", Deliang tried to blend into the village, sitting in a bunch of chats Among the women, others laughed at her and laughed, as if they knew what they were talking about. Deliang seemed to be out of the world. Most of her activities were only more than 50 meters straight in front of the house, and she wouldn't be able to walk around the corner. .

Once brought to the county seat by her daughter, she would not recognize the traffic lights; at home, she never learned to turn on the TV and call out the channel.

She was afraid of "outside". When she saw the two girls who came to the house to leave at night, she pulled Li Yantao to sleep on the ground and let her bed out. "Because of her own experience, she I don’t think it’s safe for girls to go out at night."

  In Li Yantao's eyes, her mother loves her instinctively after being hurt by this world.

  Since elementary school, Deliang will stand at the door waiting for her to leave school every day, rain or shine.

She has never beaten or scolded a child. When her daughter came home late, she would look around anxiously, and became quiet and peaceful when she found it.

In middle school, Li Yantao needs to go to the county seat to study and come back once a week.

So she stretched out the palm of her hand to tell her mother that after the five fingers indexed, she was back.

Later, I went to college and went home once in a semester. The first thing Deliang saw her was to put her middle finger and thumb together to measure whether her wrist was thin or not. Her daughter would be happy when she was fat, and nagging when she was thin. .

  "The invisible love my mother gave us is really so much." Li Yantao remembered that her mother buried apples in flour and left it for her and her sister to eat. Every year, she bought three roast chickens at home. Her mother never Touch; I can't use a sewing machine or buy fabrics, so I took my clothes apart and sew quilted jackets for the children one by one.

  When she returned to Guizhou in October, Li Yantao, who grew up in Henan, saw her mother's hometown for the first time. She had grandparents, uncles, and aunts. Everyone said that she looked more like her grandma when she was young.

  On the night we met, the family chatted from 7pm to 2am, and finally took into account the bodies of the old people to sleep separately.

During the 35 years of blankness, Li Yantao's father was a topic that couldn't be avoided.

  "My parents should be family love." Li Yantao remembered that her mother had a sore throat, and her father would grab the medicine, then hand it to her and tell her, "You give the medicine to your mother, saying you caught it."

  When Li Yantao was 4 years old, Deliang ran with her child and was found back the next day.

Li Yantao recalled that her father did not blame her mother.

Later, he said to Deliang, "If you can find a home, you need to know how to get to your home, and you just leave. What if you can't find it and lose it? What if you have two children with you and they are trafficked? "

  In fact, this man has always supported Deliang's finding a home. He told everyone on the street that he would give him as much money as he could if he could help find it.

  At the end of 2017, he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and was treated in the hospital for three months with little effect. Finally, he died on the way home.

The body came in. Deliang didn't seem to believe it. He went up and pushed his arm, then cried.

  In Li Yantao's memory, this was the only time her mother cried for her father.

  Three years later, Deliang finally found a home. She stayed at home for 12 days.

The reality is that the family does not seem to be able to keep the daughter who has returned suddenly: the parents have no income, and the second brother De Yong takes his wife to work outside. The income is meager. The younger brother Dezhu needs to raise four children.

  Li Yantao saw her mother's reluctance in her eyes.

On the way home, she asked her husband, should we just go there and buy a small house?

The husband felt sorry for his wife, "It depends on you if you think you are successful."