[Explanation] December 23 is the 14th birthday of the Japanese giant panda "Ming Bang". At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Guangxi Liuzhou Zoo made full use of its local characteristics and produced a giant panda version of "snail noodles" for its birthday.

  [Commentary] "Birthday star" Akihama was born in Japan and returned to China in December 2012.

On the same day, the breeders used bamboo, wotou, carrots, pumpkins and other ingredients to make a special net red snack "snail noodles" for Mingbang.

  [Concurrent] Breeder

  We use fruits and pumpkins to make the panda version of snail noodles, and the larger version.

This is an extra-large "duck feet". Pumpkin is made into a tofu bag and given to it. Its favorite is apples.

It is the fruit after meals, and it also supplements vitamins.

  [Explanation] When the breeder brought this bowl of "snail noodles", Ming Bang was attracted by its scent, and walked to the food to chat about "snail noodles."

After a while, it picked up the "duck feet" and gnawed, enjoying this special birthday meal.

Yu Xingxing, a "panda fan" from Guilin, Guangxi, took a special mission from 6 Japanese "panda fans" to Liuzhou City on the 23rd to attend the giant panda Mingbang birthday party.

I saw her press the shutter to capture the cuteness of Ming Bang, and broadcast live to the Japanese "Panda Fans" on WeChat, so that the "Panda Fans" who could not be present due to the epidemic can participate in Ming Bang's birthday.

  [Concurrent period] Yuxingxing giant panda lovers

  This year (2020) I am helping six Japanese "panda fans". They will come over to give Minghama birthday every year, and then this year they will not be able to get through because of the epidemic. Then I will help some of them make videos, and then Send them some photos. They miss Ming Bang so much that they entrusted me to say happy birthday to Ming Bang.

  [Commentary] Akemi Tanaka is one of the “panda fans” in Japan. After receiving the photo and video, she immediately thanked Yu Xingxing and sent blessings to the WeChat Moments to express regret for not being able to participate, and hope to be there next year Liuzhou celebrates the birthday of Mingbang.

  [Commentary] Yu Xingxing introduced that many Japanese "panda fans" know and love China because of pandas.

Nowadays, giant pandas have become a window for Japanese people to understand China, and many Japanese people can learn more about China through giant pandas.

Whenever he is free, Yu Xingxing will also take a train to visit Mingbang.

  [Concurrent period] Yuxingxing giant panda lovers

  Ming Bang loves to be clean and very white, so I like to see him, especially when I look at his back, it is like a big rice ball, very cute and cute, and I like to visit him every time I feel bad. It, eating, drinking, drinking, sleeping, and sleeping makes you happy.

  [Explanation] In order to let Mingbang and the "Panda Fans" have a memorable birthday party, Liuzhou Zoo plans different birthday themes every year. This year, using the regional characteristics of Liuzhou, a "Snail Fan" birthday party was designed. .

  [Concurrent] Zhao Jialiang, Minister of Publicity and Education Department of Liuzhou Zoo

  Snail noodles are so famous. This year, our snail noodles are economically doing so well. Why don’t we let Mingbang taste the noodles, so we use snail noodles for this theme, and use the bamboo skins that Mingbang peeled, you see The bamboo skins inside were all peeled by Ming Bang. We collected it, washed it, dried it in the shade, and put it in a basin as powder. After all, we gave them (two giant pandas) a local name in Liuzhou. , One or two cuts (flour) and two squeezed (flour), this time it is really going to eat powder, we also saw just now, it should eat very happily.

  Wang Yizhao reports from Liuzhou, Guangxi

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】