The law regulating the activities of foreign agents was extended to individuals and unregistered public associations.

The State Duma adopted appropriate amendments to the legislation.

This has already become an occasion for idle talk about civil liberties, infringement of rights, hanging labels, and even about strengthening repressive mechanisms and tightening the screws.

Control mechanisms are being built to increase the transparency of the activities of foreign agents, something similar to bringing a business out of the shadows.

Hence the main question about funding sources - as you know, who pays calls the tune.

At the same time, only the plane of political activity is indicated, where the marking "foreign agent" should be present.

Which is extremely important in order to avoid double interpretation.

Therefore, it is hardly possible to talk about any censorship.

The fields of science, culture, health care, charity, ecology and others do not belong to this law.

Activities in these areas do not fall under the concept of "foreign agent".

The didactic component of these legislative changes is also important.

Gradually, a certain turn of consciousness takes place in society.

Nationalization and civic education, if you will.

Not in terms of the division into good and bad.

Differentiation by interests that form certain broadcasted points of view.

In this regard, we receive not only the protection of the state from external influences and various forms of encroachment on internal affairs, but also the protection of citizens in a situation when global methods and practices of manipulating the consciousness of the masses have reached perfection and often form an alternative, or even destructive reality.

Without this distinction, the problem of confusion of "truths" arises, which ultimately gives rise to the very confusion, almost like in Korney Chukovsky.

Recent history shows a lot of examples of this, when all of a sudden, for no reason at all, a seemingly spontaneous sound is heard: “We are tired of meowing!

We want to grunt like pigs! "

By the way, there are also chanterelles with matches ...

Through confusion and confusion, a twist of consciousness is made, when one cannot get to the bottom of the truth, but instead something viral is proposed, modified by propaganda, in colorful packages, filled with simple solutions based on soap-serial scripts.

The multi-part saga (or "teleshop") with the poisoning of the blogger-patient Navalny illustrates all this perfectly.

The turn of consciousness concerns the orientation towards one's own truth.

In this regard, the alien is not an evaluative category, it is neither good nor bad.

But we must be aware that this is an outside view, which obeys a different logic and often fits into a certain pragmatics and propaganda matrix.

Nobody canceled global political competition, and similar laws on foreign agents exist in many countries, including the USA.

But why can not Russia afford to defend its interests, and if it begins to undertake something extremely carefully in this direction, then laments about the sublimation of repression and the establishment of the Iron Curtain immediately arise? ..

At the same time, Russia itself demonstrated miracles of tolerance and tolerance not only for the broadcast of a different opinion, a picture of the world, a system of values, but also for their aggressive imposition.

So now there are no jammers - just a reminder like that "there are smoking scenes here."

Further, there is personal freedom of choice.

A person with a civil feeling will understand, he is able to select critically and will be indifferent to the "tares".

And there is no doubt that foreign states will continue to interfere in the internal affairs of Russia.

Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin just said this when summing up the results of the autumn session.

“Some countries would like Russia to be weak, to be on its knees, and then whatever happens here they will approve.

And if it is a strong state, they will interfere.

And we must do everything to avoid this interference and counteract it, ”said Volodin.

Therefore, once again: the law is not about stigma, but about the fact that order is corny in this area, it is necessary to protect your truth and sovereignty.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.