, Beijing, December 22. Recently, the "2020 Sohu Fashion Festival" opened. Sohu Chairman and CEO Zhang Chaoyang said in an interview with the media that live broadcast technology is a feature of this year and will continue to bring goods next year. Micro variety shows carry the goods to the end.

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  When it comes to the understanding of fashion, Zhang Chaoyang believes that the original definition of fashion is fashion, fashion is an aesthetic, and aesthetics can be viewed from several perspectives.

"First of all, physical aesthetics, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, will lead to the power of youthfulness, a kind of refreshment, a kind of youth, and a kind of vitality. This is the definition of beauty. In addition, a true nature, whether Language art communication, or performance, are very natural and real."

  Speaking of the 2020 Sohu Fashion Festival, Zhang Chaoyang said that even if celebrities cannot arrive due to time conflict, they can still be "immersive" through live broadcast technology.

"They feel just like the scene, so they have made multiple connections, even to London or other places in China. This is a feature of this year, and technology allows us to cross time and space."

  It is reported that the festival has been held for nine consecutive years. Zhang Chaoyang said, "From its early launch, candidates, to the occurrence of events, live stars have formed lively content in the fashion and entertainment industries. The reports of current events and the fragmented dissemination in the future are all very good content, which is very important as a media platform."