Every day in "Historically yours", the presenter Stéphane Bern and the historian Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach compete in a historical and unusual quiz.

Would you be able to face them?

To find out, we have concocted thematic quizzes based on the questions asked every day to our two specialists. 

Animals in history in ten questions.

Sacred animals and sacred animals: answer the questions that made our presenter wonder and laugh, our presenter Stéphane Bern and our historian Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach in the sequence "Bern to be alive", every day in 

Historically yours

, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Europe 1 .

>> Find "Bern to be alive" in replay and podcast here

Can you do as well as them? 

  •  Among the Mayas as among the Incas, the quetzal, a small bird with green and sky blue plumage, is the symbol of freedom.

    Why ?

  • Winston Churchill was afraid of birds and especially pigeons.

    True or false ?

  • In 1536 in Wales, it was more serious to steal a goat than to make love to it.

    True or false ?

  • Cambyses 2 was a king of the Persian Empire.

    He conquered Egypt and reigned as pharaoh in 500 BC.

    To defeat some cities he took cats hostage, threatening to kill them if the fighters did not surrender.

    True or false ?

  • To fight Japan in WWII, the United States used bats that carried napalm bombs;

    True or false ?

  • Question about prehistoric animals!

    Which dinosaurs had the longest life expectancy: the one meter tall or the largest?

  • The earliest Peruvian remains date back to 19,000 BC.

    In Peru, if you order a "jugo de rana", you will drink a frog juice.

    True or false ?

  •  In September 2020, in Burma, a team of paleontologists made a valuable discovery for the history of mankind.

    Which ?

  • We know 1515, but less than 1616. It is however on this date that the statue of Felipe 3 of Spain is installed on the famous Plaza Mayor in Madrid, where he is represented on his horse.

    Today, the base of the statue is also a huge rat trap.

    True or false ?

  • In Rome, during the reign of Emperor Tiberius, people ate the tongue of the flamingo.

    True or false ?

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