Internet celebrity hot pot restaurants do not become food safety hardest hit areas

  The "Ge Laoguan" of the Internet celebrity hot pot restaurant "shuang 叒叕" went wrong again.

According to media reports, following the detection of banned veterinary drugs in the "Ge Laoguan" store in Hangzhou, its Shaoxing Yaohan store was also notified that bullfrogs contained nitrofurazone metabolites, and these bullfrogs had all been sold out, and the total illegal income was 8,849.61 yuan.

  It is understood that nitrofuran is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of nitrofuran, which is widely used in livestock, poultry and aquaculture.

People often use the detection of its metabolites to reflect the residual status of nitrofuran drugs.

The "Maximum Residue Limits of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Food" (Announcement No. 235 of the Ministry of Agriculture) stipulates that furazolidone is a prohibited drug and cannot be detected in animal food.

Furazolidone residual drugs can damage the human hematopoietic system, cause hemolytic congestion, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and may also cause human peripheral neuritis, and there is no specific drug treatment.

  Different from the timely destruction of substandard products after the Hangzhou store found, the substandard products in the Shaoxing store were all sold out on September 1, with a total price of 10634.61 yuan.

On September 29, the Shaoxing store filed an application for re-inspection, which was re-inspected by the Zhejiang Institute of Inspection and Quarantine Science and Technology, and the conclusion was still unqualified.

  This is not the first time that "Ge Laoguan" has made mistakes in food safety.

In November this year, according to China Quality Network, the "Ge Laoguan" store in People's Square in Shanghai was revealed to have food safety problems.

Prior to this, the enrofloxacin content of a batch of bullfrogs sold by the Hangzhou "Ge Laoguan" Chengxi branch was substandard.

  The continuous occurrence of problems in food safety makes people doubt the quality control ability of "Ge Laoguan".

"Ge Laoguan" stated that it strictly followed the principle of testing before use. According to the sampling report from August 2019 to November 2020 displayed on its WeChat public account, all indicators of its stores were qualified.

However, the results of random inspections conducted by the regulatory authorities are completely opposite to their self-inspection conclusions.

  In terms of quality control, "Ge Laoguan" has two "protective lines": first, the inspection report provided by the supplier, and second, random random inspections of bullfrogs in each store every month.

However, neither of these two "protective lines" achieved results.

This also means that there are more or less problems with the test reports in these two places.

Regardless of the reason, the "brother and old official" cannot escape the relationship.

  The safety of ingredients is the soul of the catering industry.

Although good ingredients are not necessarily expensive, they are generally safer if they are expensive.

In terms of price, "Ge Laoguan" claimed that the procurement cost was about 25% higher than other bullfrogs on the market.

However, after investigation by reporters, this is not the case. According to the national bullfrog market on September 1, the price at that time was about 18 yuan/jin, and the purchase price of "Ge Laoguan" was only 10.2 yuan/jin, which was far lower than the average market price.

Could it be that the procurement staff of the "Brother Laoguan" do not know the market?

  The regulatory authority stated that it is impossible to distinguish whether the product contains nitrofurazone metabolites from the appearance and smell of the product. Companies have no other way except relying on the test report.

This requires testing units to issue testing reports objectively and impartially. Once they lose their objective and neutral attitude, unsafe food will inevitably flow into the market.

  In this incident, the food ingredients have been sold, and it was only detected as unqualified in the last link, which also highlighted certain regulatory loopholes.

Regarding the failure of the supervision of the relevant departments in the previous link, it is necessary to ask where the loopholes occurred and how the daily supervision has achieved results.

  Food safety is related to people's health, and relevant departments should take responsibility in all aspects.

For "net celebrity shops", brand promotion is certainly important, but it must be based on good quality control.

You must know that all catering companies that do not take food safety as their core competitiveness will eventually be voted by consumers with their feet and eliminated by the market.

  Ke Jinxiong Source: China Youth Daily