[Explanation] Since the snowfall in winter, Mao Jianfeng, who lives in Fusong County, Jilin Province, has been very busy. She works in the local ski resort and wants to receive ski enthusiasts from all over the world.

  At the end of the year, Northeast China ushered in the peak season of ice and snow tourism, and the ski resorts where Mao Jianfeng worked continued to flow.

From 2018 to 2019, the number of local tourists reached 80,000 in the snow season.

The scenic spot expects this number to double in 2020.

  Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan, and ice and snow are also Jinshan Yinshan.

Relying on natural ice and snow, many farmers in Fusong County, Jilin Province have changed their destiny. Mao Jianfeng is one of them.

  Now she is a staff member of a local ski resort and has a stable income.

Before this resort was built, Mao Jianfeng's life was different.

At that time, she needed to go out to work all year round, and the cost of living was high, she earned little, and could not save much money in a year.

  Mao Jianfeng said that at that time, the biggest dream of the family was to let the next generation leave this ravine.

  [Concurrent] Mao Jianfeng, a resident of Fusong County, Jilin Province

  In the past, children were relatively small and had to work outside in order to survive. Children had to stay by their parents (elderly).

  [Explanation] After having a new job in his hometown, Mao Jianfeng took the shuttle bus to and from get off work, earning RMB 40,000 to 50,000 per year. The family also moved out of the leaky wooden house and moved into the building in the town.

But what Mao Jianfeng values ​​most is that "sons no longer need to be left-behind children."

  [Concurrent] Mao Jianfeng, a resident of Fusong County, Jilin Province

  Now that I can go back to accompany my child every day, the smiles on my child's face are more.

He would say it’s nice that my mother is at home and can make me good every day.

  [Explanation] For the people who have lived in Fusong, Jilin for generations, if you want to completely throw away the "poor hat", you must not only rely on the "ice and snow", but also protect the green mountains.

  Fusong is best known to the outside world as the "Hometown of Chinese Ginseng".

There are more than 1,500 years of wild ginseng mining history and 450 years of manual planting history in the local area. The annual output of ginseng accounts for about 38% of China's total output. 70% of the global ginseng transaction volume is completed in Fusong market.

  However, in history, local ginseng has been sold for "cabbage price."

It turns out that for short-term benefits, some people adopt an extensive ginseng planting model, cutting down a lot of forests, and pesticides and fertilizers invade the soil.

Finally, with the tightening of relevant policies in China, the ginseng market has undergone a sudden change, and the ginseng market with high pesticide residues has shrunk rapidly.

  In recent years, Fusong County has learned from the pain, vigorously protects the green mountains and green waters, promotes green organic standardized planting technology, establishes a quality traceability system, and explores the road to high-quality planting.

  Protecting the ecology and the black land under your feet is to protect your own lives. When the farmers realized this, they slowly reaped the rewards.

  [Concurrent period] Shennong An Fengjun, Fusong County, Jilin Province

  Organic fertilizer, which has been advocated by the state for more than ten years, has not allowed (use) high-residue (pesticides), and we have begun to change to use low-residue pesticides.

(Is the cost high?) ​​The cost is higher, the benefit is okay, the output and the disease are a bit more, and overall it’s okay.

(Because) Relying on the mountain, relying on this piece of land, nourish us.

So it is quite (important) for the environment and forest protection.

  [Explanation] At the moment, this green water and green mountains have become the golden and silver mountains in the eyes of Fusong people.

They sell ginseng in autumn and snow-slide in winter, and visitors come and go throughout the year. Their new life is full of hope.

  Reporter Lu Shengnan reports from Fusong County, Jilin Province

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]