It is clear that Minister of the Environment Koizumi has been instructed by Prime Minister Suga to discuss in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry about "carbon pricing," in which carbon dioxide is priced and costs are borne according to emissions. "It's a historic step. I want to get a certain amount of coordination by the end of next year," he said.

"Carbon pricing" is a mechanism that puts a price on carbon dioxide and asks companies and households to bear the cost according to the amount of emissions.The Ministry of the Environment will hold a subcommittee of the Central Environment Council for about a year at the beginning of the year. For the first time in half, we plan to resume discussions on full-scale introduction.

At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on the 21st, Minister of the Environment Koizumi announced that he had been instructed by Prime Minister Kan to discuss this "carbon pricing" in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

On top of that, Minister Koizumi said, "This is a historic step for the Ministry of the Environment. There are various options, but there are some industries that are having a great deal of trouble due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and" carbon pricing "that contributes to Japan's growth. We have to draw a picture. We would like to proceed with discussions between the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry with the aim of obtaining a certain level of coordination within the next year. "

What is "carbon pricing"?

"Carbon pricing" puts a price on the emitted carbon dioxide and asks you to bear the cost according to the amount of emissions. Specific systems include "carbon tax" and "emissions trading system". I will.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, one of the systems has already been introduced in 46 countries around the world.

Of these, the "carbon tax" is levied according to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, and eight years ago in Japan, it was already added to the tax on oil and coal as the "global warming countermeasures tax". It has been introduced.

However, the tax rate is significantly lower than in Sweden, Switzerland, France, etc., which have introduced a "carbon tax".

In addition, the "emissions trading system" sets an upper limit on the amount of carbon dioxide that a company can emit, and allows the excess and deficiency to be sold and bought with another company.

Overseas, it has been introduced in the EU = European Union and South Korea, but in Japan, although it is established by Tokyo and Saitama prefectures, there is no nationwide system.

The Ministry of the Environment has positioned "carbon pricing" as a powerful policy that can achieve both reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth, and has continued to consider it, but mainly in industries with high emissions, industry Since then, a cautious voice has been deeply rooted, and it has not yet been fully introduced.

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kajiyama

At the press conference, Minister Kajiyama said, "In order to advance carbon neutrality in 2050, we must naturally consider carbon pricing. Various things such as taxes and emissions trading will come in."

After that, he said, "Since the Ministers of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment asked us to consider it together, we will take appropriate measures in the future, including the organization to consider and how to proceed with the examination," he said with the Ministry of the Environment. I showed the idea of ​​discussing.