[Explanation] In a warehouse in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, Mecha Designers Yin Dajiang and Xin Qidong are adjusting the design of their new works to the computer.

On the field behind them, the two co-created mechas with Chinese elements such as "Monkey King", "Bull Demon King" and "Knight" are placed.

  40-year-old Yin Dajiang told reporters that he liked to watch classic cartoons such as "Journey to the West" and "Transformers" when he was a child. After he grew up, he continued to be interested in mechas and models. He often made some mecha props for self-entertainment. Happy.

A few years ago, he met Xin Qidong, a fellow "post-90s" who is also a mecha enthusiast, and the two hit it off and decided to set up a studio for making "Chinese style" mecha models.

  [Concurrent] Mecha designer Yin Dajiang

  We in China have many excellent legends, that is, excellent culture, but there has never been a mech with the image of China in front of everyone.

So we very much hope that through our combination of Chinese elements and mecha images, we can show our Chinese elements to more foreign friends and show some of the profoundness of our Chinese culture.

  [Explanation] The reporter learned that the mecha produced by the team looks metallic, but it is actually made of professional high-density environmental protection props and other accessories.

Therefore, the weight of a mecha with a height of about two meters can be controlled at about 20 kg.

  Xin Qidong said that although the mechas are not too heavy, they still need a long time of practice to achieve the "oneness of man and armour" because they rely on human control.

There are five wire ropes in the palm of each mecha. By pulling the ring at the end of the wire rope, the mecha's fingers can make movements such as pinching objects, which looks very flexible.

The legs of the mecha are similar to stilts, so you need to keep your balance when performing.

  The reporter saw at the scene that with the help of the team, Yin Dajiang stepped on the legs of the mecha, then put on the breastplate, and finally put on the helmet. After more than ten minutes, a majestic "Monkey King" appeared among the people. Right now.

Such a mecha takes dozens of days from design to production, and the cost ranges from 10,000 to tens of thousands.

  [Concurrent] Mecha designer Xin Qidong

  The traditional production process, it uses a lot of harder metal materials, or glass fiber reinforced plastic materials, it can only be placed, it may be more rigid in movement, it looks more rigid.

(Our) material is very light, and with this light material, it can be made very flexible and convenient.

The interaction with people is very good, so it is a better experience for the senses.

  [Explanation] Since the studio was established four years ago, the mechas produced by Yin Dajiang and Xin Qidong’s team have gradually gained some fame in the fields of comic exhibitions, commercial performances, etc., orders have gradually increased, and the team has grown from the first two people to the present Has more than a dozen employees.

  Although the business is gradually on track now, the two are not satisfied with the status quo.

With a heroic dream, Yin Dajiang often wears the "Monkey King" mech to enter campuses and other places to personally promote Chinese elements, while Xin Qidong is committed to designing more original works.

Allowing Chinese mechas to go to the world is to support their dream of moving forward.

  [Concurrent] Mecha designer Yin Dajiang

  Then I also believe that in the future, we will do better and better, and we can give friends and enthusiasts from all over the world the image of the mecha they like.

  Party Field Report from Xi'an, Shaanxi

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]