[Explanation] Recently, the Shanghai Open University officially started enrolling students for the undergraduate major of Home Economics in the spring of 2021. This is also the first adult college that offers an undergraduate degree of Home Economics in China.

  [Concurrent] Lu Qi, Head of Home Economics, Shanghai Open University

  (We) There is no age limit for students who are enrolled. Anything you want to learn, you only need to meet the requirements of the pre-qualification. For example, if you get a junior college or a higher vocational school, you can come to us for a home economics undergraduate degree. Learning.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the Shanghai Open University has opened a home economics college major for 8 years before opening an undergraduate home economics.

The head of the undergraduate home economics program at Shanghai Open University, Lu Qi, told reporters that the school officially opened the home economics undergraduate registration on December 18. In only two days, hundreds of students who intend to sign up have already registered and more than 20 have officially signed up and paid.

Among them, most of the students come from home economics college students of our school.

  Ma Fenfang, who has retired, used to be a doctor. Because the elderly in the family needed care when he was old, he began to come into contact with "housekeeping services."

Then, in order to learn more "housekeeping knowledge", I enrolled in the major of home economics.

Ma Fenfang smiled and said that she was anxious to sign up for the undergraduate major in housekeeping because she was optimistic about the prospects of the housekeeping service industry.

  [Concurrent] Student Ma Fenfang

  For me, this undergraduate class is another good opportunity. I hope that after studying, if I have the opportunity, I want to start a housekeeping company by myself.

  [Explanation] Liu Xin, 40, just graduated from a housekeeping college major in July this year. She admitted that she learned a lot during her junior college, which allowed her to be promoted from a front-line housekeeping service staff to a management position.

The reason why I choose to continue my studies is to further improve my academic level and knowledge reserve.

  [Concurrent] Student Liu Xin

  After I went to the junior college, I learned a lot about housekeeping management experience and some (housekeeping) management system. Only then can I be transferred from the frontline staff to the management post. If I can continue my studies, so I Very willing to come to learn, systematic housekeeping management content.

  [Explanation] Lu Qi said that, unlike the "technical direction" of junior college education, the three-year undergraduate professional education system will include courses such as Introduction to Home Economics, Human Resource Management, and Social Psychology, which will form a gradient and differentiated connection with junior college education.

  It is worth mentioning that, in addition to courses with quite "housekeeping characteristics", like other undergraduate courses, it is also necessary to study college English and basic computer application courses.

  [Concurrent] Lu Qi, Head of Home Economics, Shanghai Open University

  (Student) He wants to set up a housekeeping company's housekeeping operation and management. It has an introduction to modern service industry, including human resource management, housekeeping business operation, etc., including laws and regulations.

So for those domestic service staff who provide high-end home services, we will provide guidance on life consumption, family aesthetics, including health management, family health management, and so on.

  [Explanation] Zhang Lili, president of the Shanghai Family Service Industry Association, said that according to incomplete statistics, one third of the 8.2 million households in Shanghai are already using housekeeping services.

With the improvement of people's quality of life, the public's demand for housekeeping services will become greater and higher.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Lili, President of Shanghai Family Service Industry Association

  (Housekeeping services) From the original old-age care services, childcare services, as well as home cleaning and cooking.

Now it includes things like home storage, home first aid, home appliance maintenance, including our knowledge of furniture maintenance, and so on. Our family now has more and more professional demands and higher requirements.

  Reporter Xu Mingrui from Shanghai

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]