“Despite the fact that winter will be twice as cold as last year, the cold season will be on a reduced program.

At least two weeks less than it should be.

Spring will be ahead of schedule, ”he said.

It is noted that usually spring warming in Moscow occurs around March 27.

At the same time, Tishkovets believes that in 2021 warming and melting of snow will occur earlier. 

“I think this will be typical for most of the European territory of Russia,” said the forecaster.

According to Tishkovets, 2020 "turned out to be significantly higher than the norm" and "all of European Russia, practically without exception, will be in the red zone."

He specified that "it will be warm everywhere."

Earlier, the Hydrometeorological Center said that a decrease in temperature by two to three degrees is predicted from December 21 in the European part of Russia.