All the men in your new film "We Can't Do Anything else" seem pretty hysterical, even without a virus.

You are returning to the eastern German province 25 years after “We can do it differently”.




We shot “Bibi and Tina” in the east, Brandenburg has very beautiful areas. Buckow is already completely absorbed by townspeople, and Oderberg is a magical place. I said to myself: we'll keep shooting another film there when it's dark. Not in summer, but in winter. “Bibi and Tina” is, so to speak, the female character of this region. In “We can't help it” the male turns the wheel. I exaggerated it a bit, I'll admit, but it was no different with “Fargo”. Toxic masculinity for me has to do with the fact that men consider their status more important than anything else in the world. If this ego is offended, they just start to spin.