Chinanews client, Beijing, December 18th (Reporter Zhang Xi) "Clouds and cranes, dragons and seas", these are the eight subjects of Deyun News Agency.

Since its establishment in 1996, Deyun Club has gradually emerged from a single cross talk model. With the popularity of the new generation of cross talk actors such as Luan Yunping, Meng Hetang, Zhang Helun, Zhou Jiuliang, Shang Jiuxi, and Qin Xiaoxian, some people say this is virtue. Yunshe is embracing traffic.

  Is it true?

How does Deyun Club recruit students and how will it work in the future?

Recently, Guo Degang accepted the media interview.

Image source: video screenshot

How to recruit students?

  Many people don't understand the hierarchy of Deyun Club. Guo Degang explained that the eight subjects of "Yunhe Nine Xiao, Long Teng Si Hai" are all brothers, and this word only means the time of enrollment.

  The Deyun Club is about to recruit "Dragon Characters" students. Guo Degang said that this is his last large-scale apprenticeship because he may not be able to teach him as he gets older and older.

  How large is it?

  Starting in mid-December, Deyun News Agency will complete the half-year enrollment on Douyin live broadcast. This is the first time that Deyun News Agency has used online live broadcast to recruit students. Guo Degang has not set a limit on the number of students. He said: "The more the more, the more Okay, maybe three hundred, maybe five hundred, maybe a thousand, maybe something."

  Before embracing the Internet, the enrollment of Deyun Club was a traditional model: the enrollment brochure was released, the mailbox was written, and people from all over the country who liked cross talk came to register.

  Guo Degang thinks this has its limitations, because the Internet can tap more talents.

  However, there are many problems in recruiting students on Douyin. For example, if you encounter "net celebrity" students, will the green light be given?

  Faced with this problem, Guo Degang’s attitude is very clear: "As long as the Dragon Character Branch wants you, when you enter the door, it is the dragon and you have to hold it, it is the tiger, you have to lie down, or the garlic, you have to soak in vinegar, I don’t care if you are outside. How earth-shattering, you have to abide by the rules of this industry after entering this door. You are so popular outside that it doesn’t work here."

Photo courtesy of Guo Degang interviewee

What kind of people to recruit?

  What kind of people do Deyun Club recruit?

This is the most realistic problem facing many people who want to join the Deyun Club.

  Guo Degang’s enrollment requirements are simple. There are only two points: first, you have to love cross talk and you can’t chase stars; second, you have to talk about cross talk materials, "If it’s not for that material, no matter how hard you work, you should take the peak (Teacher of Deyun Society) ) I’m too tired to do this."

  But in fact, being able to enter the door of Deyun Society requires many tests.

  Luan Yunping said, first of all, Putonghua should pass as much as possible.

Gao Feng refines the standard: It is best to be a blank sheet of paper, to speak clearly, to open the eyes slightly larger, to have stage performance, language skills and quick on-the-spot reaction.

  From Gao Feng's point of view, this is the basic quality of a cross talk actor. If they are all in line, it will be easy to learn.

In addition to these objective conditions, Meng Hetang gave a suggestion that "learning cross talk must endure loneliness."

  This kind of loneliness is that others have become popular, and they have not become popular, and others have become rich.

  Guo Degang is very afraid of students who can't stand loneliness. There is an unwritten rule in Deyun Society, but all students recruited will try their best to persuade them to leave.

"I said,'Let’s go, don’t do it.' Some people obeyed and left. Some people are hard to persuade. It may take three years or more to be different. This is our elimination mechanism. In the end, the rest may prove that Really love cross talk."

  In addition, self-esteem is the first thing to be destroyed after entering Deyun Society.

"This is not to disrespect you, to get rid of your self-esteem is to make you respect the industry. If a person's self-esteem is too heavy and selfishness is too heavy, this is the biggest obstacle to learning art." Guo Degang explained.

Image source: video screenshot

How to teach cross talk?

  Many students who wanted to sign up for the Deyun Club came for Guo Degang's reputation.

But can Guo Degang teach hundreds of people?

  Guo Degang's answer is: yes.

  In his early years, Guo Degang once brought out a group of apprentices, but later due to his busy work, part of the teaching work fell on the peak.

However, Guo Degang started the "Dragon Character Division" this time. He decided to teach the cross talk skills with Gao Feng, Luan Yunping and Yunhe Jiuxiao four subjects.

  The textbook is not the first to learn cross talk in Deyun Society.

According to Guo Degang, "It is possible to sort out such a thick stack of lesson plans, but his final success rate is not the same thing."

  Teaching in Deyun Club firstly looks at talent, and secondly teaches students in accordance with their aptitude.

But in general, all have to follow tradition.

  What is tradition?

Guo Degang’s explanation is: performance skills are traditional, but all concepts must be current.

"If students are asked not to sign up on paper, they must be written on bamboo. It is not called maintaining traditions, but called mental retardation."

  Learn the tradition, know how to innovate, but also know how to create.

Guo Degang said, "Crosstalk creation is a very strange problem. How many people try to help write crosstalk, but none of them succeeded. The actors themselves must understand crosstalk in order to create good crosstalk."

Photo courtesy of respondents

How do you think about traffic and innovation?

  Although the traditional word has always been on Guo Degang's lips, it cannot be denied that a group of young cross talk actors have successfully made their way out of the circle and have become "traffic".

  "Pan him" by Meng Hetang became a hot word on the Internet; Qin Xiaoxian participated in a number of variety shows...The outside world also gave the female fans of Deyun Club a name-Deyun Girl.

  Speaking of this topic, Guo Degang said: "We are in the service industry. Just like opening early shops, selling steamed buns and selling wontons, we are not qualified to choose customers. If they come in, they will have to sell for half a catty, or even a catty. Selling, and saying it’s not delicious after eating, we have to bear with pompous faces. We are this business. We have to take people as customers and serve them well. It’s that simple."

  Although Guo Degang is still popular today, he still doesn't know much about the Internet, especially the short video platform.

Even the TikTok account was registered by the apprentice. Although I didn't post much video, it had 200,000 fans.

  "You said it makes sense, I haven't played it yet!" Guo Degang said that he also likes to read the apprentices' comments under Douyin, "The times are developing and society is progressing. Anyway, you can't let the society leave you behind." Finish)