The news came at a digital press conference about the distribution of cultural money from the budget bill.

- We will contribute another half billion to culture with regard to February 2021, and it is money that will make a big difference to cultural life, says Minister of Culture Amanda Lind.

The decision on further support is an agreement between the governing parties, the Center Party and the Liberals.

The previously communicated billion that was distributed on Friday will above all support the free cultural life, so also the half billion that will be added.

- It is about supporting the free cultural life and all the culture that depends on meeting and having audiences and live experiences, not least the music and the performing arts are very hard hit but also the cinemas, says Amanda Lind.

Several art areas

Grants will be distributed in several art areas, says the Minister of Culture, who mentions image and form, music, film, theater, dance, circus and the word area.

- I see that there are very great needs, not least in the area for which the Swedish Arts Council is responsible: organizers and free groups, but also the other groups for which we have now opened up support, such as stage technicians.

But also the individual artists that the artists' committee distributes support for, and the cinema and the film, says Amanda Lind.