In our

Minute Papillon



, we find today our meeting "La Bulle", which speaks about us, of oneself, of what is going… And what sometimes goes less well.

We evoke in this episode the feeling of boredom that we can experience with others, relatives, friends that we have not yet (enough) seen this year.

After months away from others, the disappointment of a reunion that turns out to be less interesting than what we hoped.

Discussions that are banal, even annoying.

Why feel this gap with others, when we love them!

Is it the fault of this year 2020 of crisis, or is it you who has a problem?

The psychotherapist Béatrice Millêtre is the guest of this episode.

Doctor in psychology, graduate in cognitive sciences, she has published several books, including the recent

L'ennui des autres

(Payot Rivages, 14 euros).

This professional evokes in this interview this feeling of boredom, the means to escape it, the delicate art of taking responsibility by tolerating the singularity of others ... But also of limiting our expectations or quite simply relearning to exchange.

Béatrice Millêtre finally talks about the 2020 end-of-year meetings.

To listen to Béatrice Millêtre, it's as simple as clicking in the audio player above.


Coronavirus: To be 20 years old in 2020 and resist "the heaviness of the world"


Unemployment, confinement, loss of ties ... How to "exist" despite the economic and health crisis?

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