Zhengzhou, December 16th, title: "Two-child mothers" beautiful workplace: willing to work hard to set an example for children

  Author Li Mingming

  "A successful mother in the workplace plays a role model for the healthy growth of her child. An optimistic and positive life attitude of a full-time mother can also promote her child's character development." Recently, Professor Jiang Meihua of the School of Political Science and Public Administration of Zhengzhou University accepted The reporter said in an interview.

  On January 1, 2016, the national liberalization of the second child policy was officially implemented.

According to public opinion surveys, after the opening of the second-child policy, many “two-child mothers” have similar experiences of taking care of their children full-time at home when facing the problem of taking care of their children.

What is the current status of these "two-child mothers" who have returned to their families?

The reporter visited this recently.

  Choosing to start a business requires more professionalism and love

  "I think that when'two-child mothers' choose to start a business, they must first be professional, and secondly they must love. When conditions permit, try to choose what they have been good at in the past and start with small things." Zhengzhou City, Henan Province This is what Cao Muwen, head of the Children's EQ Education Institution, said.

  Cao Muwen introduced that before marriage, she was engaged in work related to children's education, so it was not accidental that she founded a children's education institution.

She said: "It's like a kind of experience, and to improve yourself in the process of experience, with positive beliefs, the whole person will be stronger and more fulfilled. This is the biggest harvest that I have brought to me after being a mother."

  Time planning is important when returning to work

  Zhang Dong, an associate professor in the Department of Accounting of Zhengzhou University's Business School, said that after returning to work, he was more patient than before, improved his work efficiency, and understood priorities.

When the child does things on her own, she sees her improve a lot.

In addition, you must be brave enough to face your work problems during your childcare period and rebuild your confidence.

The picture shows a "two-child mother" in Zhengzhou doing parent-child activities.

Photo by Li Mingming

  Zhang Dong said: "Children are far more independent than we thought. At work, I will try my best to do more within the effective time. When I prepare for lessons at home, I often find my children reading sideways, which may be an atmospheric infection."

  The reporter found through interviews that many parents have reduced the "quantity" of companionship to their children due to work, but they have received "qualitative" changes after get off work or on weekends.

Through effective companionship, the child's sense of independence can be quickly established.

  My family strives to be a role model for children

  Yang Pingping, a resident from Xinxiang City, Henan Province, is a “two-child mother” who takes care of the family full-time.

Yang Pingping said: "I have also been frustrated with tiring housework but unpleasant. But because of the understanding and support of my family, I feel that it is a responsibility to take care of my children's daily life. Family is my beautiful workplace."

  "We are not only mothers, but the way you work hard will eventually become a role model for your children." Yang Pingping said.

  Jiang Meihua said that nowadays, there are more and more families with two children. The family is the first social environment that children come into contact with. Therefore, the positive and optimistic attitude of "two-child mothers" can play a certain role in promoting children's habits. .

  There is a dream in the heart, and there is light in the dream.

Regardless of whether the "two-child mother" returns to the workplace or continues to take care of the family, its positive attitude towards work and life, as well as the "truth, goodness and beauty" it exudes, is the most contagious and will become a role model in the children's hearts. .
