I want to see, who would dare to write "bird" as "black"

  Recently, a magical work light has appeared.

  It has two cameras, one staring at the child's workbook, and the other staring at the child's facial expressions.

In this way, if the child dares to write "bird" as "black" when doing homework, parents can still shout out even if they are thousands of miles away.

If the child wants to be stunned, there is no way; if he wants to rub his eyes and play with the pen, he will surely throw the sentence "concentrate".

  Understandably, this product can provide insights and remote companionship to parents who are far away from their children because of work and life.

However, it also adds a weapon to those "helicopter" parents, not only staring at people, but also at all small movements, including fingertips and eyes.

  With our intellect, such a product will definitely be surpassed: you can add a camera to stare at the child's legs and feet, and your feet must be placed on the ground when doing homework, and you are not allowed to cross your legs; you can hang a hammer on your head and find that you are distracted. , The hammer fell immediately.

  There are more and more applications of artificial intelligence. Under the premise of information security, traffic navigation, medical diagnosis, mobile payment, drug screening, etc. have brought us too much welfare.

Artificial intelligence has also contributed to the epidemic prevention and control.

  From one camera to two cameras, is innovation aside for the time being, the key is to graft with artificial intelligence, a new product known as artificial intelligence to help education, this is worth discussing, how can artificial intelligence help education?

  A student in a primary school in Zhejiang province was put on a brain-computer interface last year.

This brain hoop can detect brain waves and judge whether students are paying attention when they are in class and writing homework. The system can score attention. The scores can be transmitted to the teacher’s computer in real time. It is said that it will also be sent to the parent group like exam score rankings. in.

  There is also a product that can monitor students' classroom listening situation throughout the course, raising hands 3 times, bowing 8 times, dozing off 1 time, lying on the table 1 time...Every move and facial expression can be recorded.

  Fortunately, after media reports, the local education department in Zhejiang banned the above headband; the development company of the above second product also subsequently issued a statement saying that it was only a demonstration of the technical scenario concept and denied the application.

I really want to thank them, otherwise, the children will wear headbands when they go to school, and they will use homework lights when they go home from school. They are all within the control and intervention of the adults.

Isn't this the real "Little Truman" in the movie "The World of Trumen", which is monitored and broadcast live for 24 hours.

  How to cultivate more outstanding talents who are creative, imaginative and daring to make breakthroughs has always been our question and goal.

A person's growth needs a moderate amount of space, and the maturity of the mind and the enrichment of the soul all require continuous exploration and experimentation.

A lot of experience gained from trial and error and reflection is more valuable.

I have always been bound by homework and scores. There is not a single bit of space. Maybe there will be a good-looking score, but it is hard to say that there will be a sunny mentality.

  Someone vividly compares that a pony that can only pull and grind since childhood will never become a steed.

  In the first two years when the face recognition technology was first applied, there was a toilet in the park where facial recognition equipment was installed. When you brush your face, you will be given a piece of toilet paper. If you want to ask for another piece, I’m sorry, you can only brush your face once. .

If you have special needs, you really have to find someone else to "use your face".

There are many application scenarios for face recognition. During the new crown pneumonia epidemic, some cameras can recognize even when wearing a mask.

  Now the toilet paper has also been upgraded. Some have printed a QR code on the ground, and only after scanning the code and paying attention to the public number can slip out a piece of toilet paper.

This kind of promotion and marketing always feels inconsistent when used in the toilet.

  There are strange flowers every year, and there are many artificial intelligences.

  Some software for mass production of "elegant curse" sentences turned out.

This type of software can quickly retrieve and generate specific curse sentences from literary masterpieces, which are full of maliciousness although they do not contain dirty words.

These softwares provide "bombs full of dung" for network "sprayers", slander others and pollute the network environment.

  With continuous iteration of technology, the double-edged sword has always been extremely sharp.

Some scholars described science and technology as a galloping horse in the discussion of science and ethics, and then ethics is like a rein that restricts the horse. Without ethical norms, constraints and guidance, the crazy development of science and technology is likely to be Mankind takes a path of no return."

  He Jiankui abused gene editing technology and was held criminally responsible. This is how the reins worked.

Clenbuterol, melamine, and Sudan red were the same in previous years.

  Ethics has a certain degree of stability. Facing the uncertain future, what kind of help should science and technology provide to mankind?

Where are the limits and restricted areas of technology?

In the past, if some ethical norms higher than the current requirements are set in advance, there is a chance to eliminate the uncertain hazards caused by some technologies.

  Last year, several research institutions jointly launched the "Artificial Intelligence Beijing Consensus", which proposed that the development, use, and governance of artificial intelligence should follow 15 principles that are beneficial to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and social development.

For example, the "Principle of Good Use and Careful Use" requires a full understanding of the potential impact of artificial intelligence applications, avoiding misuse and abuse, so as to maximize the benefits of artificial intelligence and minimize its risks.

  Afterwards, the Ministry of Science and Technology also announced the "Principles of A New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Governance-Development of Responsible Artificial Intelligence", which proposed eight principles of harmony and friendliness, fairness and justice, tolerance and sharing, respect for privacy, safety and control, and agile governance.

  Almost at the same time, the European Commission also issued a code of ethics for artificial intelligence and announced the launch of the pilot phase of the code at the same time.

According to statistics, there have been dozens of proposals concerning artificial intelligence ethics standards promulgated by governments, various organizations, research institutions, and the industry.

  However, it can also be seen that most of these guidelines are only principled and advocative, lacking operability and legal binding.

  Therefore, how to make good use of artificial intelligence still depends on the self-discipline of scientific researchers.

The inventor of the homework lamp, think about whether he was willing to be stared at by his parents and teachers all the time when he was a child.

  Of course, whether it is an Aladdin magic lamp or a Baolian lamp, whether it is a gold hoop or a silver hoop, the product manager must have inspected the market and saw the demand, and the promotion team will also cultivate the market to gain revenue.

But who is the payer of this kind of income, is it just the parents who spend the money?

No, the loss may be the future of a group of people.

  Children who are covered by the algorithm for 24 hours may be very obedient, and will not grin when encountering problems when doing homework.

If all are like this, it would be like batches of small robots, then whose world will this world be in the future?

  In the movie "Star Wars", the Death Star known as the "ultimate weapon" represents the "evil" in the two sides of technology. This huge monster with two gravity fields will slowly reduce the human nature of clones. Let everything be under the control of the machine.

  Not to mention that far away in the science fiction world, in recent years, the most interesting information for commercial companies has changed from personal birthdays, phone numbers, and addresses to fingerprints, facial features, and irises.

A sales office in Nanjing collects information on the faces of inspectors. Buyers with a sense of self-protection wear helmets to inspect the house.

Parents can rest assured that the face of their children will be handed over to a company through the magic lamp?

  The lively artificial intelligence in recent years has a history of more than 60 years.

The now-accepted statement was coined by John McCarthy, the convener of the Dartmouth College Summer Seminar (The Origin of Artificial Intelligence Event) in 1956.

Some people have verified that this is a misunderstanding, because McCarthy admitted that the word was first heard from others in his later years, but could not remember who it was.

Now that most of the parties have passed away, whoever invented the term may become a case of the century.

However, the application of artificial intelligence bells and whistles can remotely control Chinese children writing more and less, which should not have been expected by these sages.

  Li Xinling Source: China Youth Daily