[Explanation] Wearing a fashionable white sweater, handsome dark blue jeans, and a pair of capable outdoor boots, it is hard to believe that the fashionable and lovely grandma in front of me is 82 years old.

Recently, in a shopping mall in Lanzhou, Gansu, the reporter saw Grandma Wang Min who was shopping with her granddaughter. She had a pair of cute black-framed glasses and gray curly hair. The two held hands to pick dolls and choose makeup, just like girlfriends.

  Granddaughter Lu Yuxi said that grandma has always been in good health and she loves to play, so she often takes her grandma to friends' gatherings.

Eating hot pot, drinking milk tea, shopping, manicures, chasing drama, traveling, these are all grandma’s daily life. She has the cuteness and cuteness of the elderly, and the cool and fashionable dress like the young people. Replaced by a batch of "post-90s".

Grandma said that having a good attitude is the secret to keeping "young and not old".

  [Concurrent] Grandma Wang Min

  Children have their own blessings, don't worry too much, just be happy.

I just need to be young, I'm only 38 years old.

  [Concurrent] Granddaughter Lu Yuxi

  Usually, I take my grandma. Basically, I play more with friends around me, and then escape rooms like the more young people nowadays, including game halls, then KTV, bars, etc. I take my grandma to places , And her mentality is much better when you take her there.

And her current friends are all friends around me, I think it's pretty good.

  [Explanation] Lu Yuxi said frankly that her grandmother had suffered from cerebral infarction and actively cooperated with the hospital for 2 years of treatment. Her condition finally improved until she became a completely healthy "young man".

  Granddaughter Lu Yuxi and her grandmother call each other "girlfriends", sharing skin care, dressing, chasing dramas together, and endless whispers.

  [Concurrent] Grandma Wang Min

  Although Maomao (granddaughter) lives with me, she is like my best friend, she takes me to eat hot pot, play di, and chase dramas. I love watching TV.

  [Concurrent] Granddaughter Lu Yuxi

  Now my grandma is more casual like what she wears today, and if she is a little bit more feminine, she will wear accessories several times before going out, she will need to match the necklaces, earrings and rings.

  [Explanation] Nowadays, Lu Yuxi shoots her grandma's daily life into short videos and sends them to the Internet, each of which has countless likes. Now Wang Min is a "net celebrity grandma" with 10w+ fans.

Grandma Wang Min said that there are many new things, as long as she likes and wants to try, she will let her granddaughter take her to experience if her physical condition allows, and she will be comfortable to be herself without being defined by age.

  Gao Ying Zhang Jing reports from Lanzhou, Gansu

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]