It is not possible to relativize the importance of the fiscal regularization assumed by Juan Carlos I. By submitting a voluntary declaration to the Treasury for an amount of 678,393 euros, including interest and surcharges,

the former King came to recognize the reprehensibility of his conduct before all Spaniards

as well as his will for moral and legal amendment.

He himself accepts his guilt. The case of the so-called opaque cards could thus lead to the only desirable and possible closure, with the return to the

Status of what Don Juan Carlos owed him

like any other taxpayer subject to the rule of law


Since these are funds that the Emeritus Monarch would have received in recent years through a Mexican businessman and that he would have spent using a colonel as a front man, the events go into the period after the validity of his constitutional inviolability after the abdication in 2014. This privilege, present in the legal system that protects the heads of State of any democracy -monarchy or republic-, requires by its own exceptionality the

observance of an equally exceptional exemplarity


Today we know that Juan Carlos de Borbón has not been able to sustain it, after having been the engine of the Transition and the father of democracy. The damage inflicted by his behavior on the institution that is precisely obliged to exhibit the highest ethical rigor is undeniable.

But as obvious as that prejudice is the contrast it offers with

the diligent reaction of Felipe VI from the first moment of his reign


Aware that the usefulness of the Crown is justified by the exemplary service to all Spaniards, Felipe VI has elevated the institution that he embodies today above his own blood.

He disowned his father, renounced any inheritance that could be contaminated by his shady businesses, withdrew his allocation from the public budget and endorsed his departure from Spain last summer.

The Royal House is also aware of the image cost that would be involved in authorizing the return of Don Juan Carlos even after having regularized his tax situation, since the scrupulous separation between the institutional and the family in the case of the Crown is extremely difficult to define.

To date, no public representative has tested a

commitment as deep with transparency and regeneration as Don Felipe

, and Pedro Sánchez would do well to remember it more often, instead of hiding behind calculated silence in the face of attacks by his separatist and populist partners.

That is when he has not supported them as in the shameful veto of the Head of State in the act of handing over the judicial offices in Barcelona. No one is hiding that there is a

anti-system operation sponsored by the same Council of Ministers where Iglesias or Garzón sit


His plan is to take advantage of the mistakes of Juan Carlos I to extend the stain to Felipe VI and liquidate the Monarchy as a symbol of reconciliation between Spaniards, a guarantee of the historical continuity of the nation and a key to the vault of democracy in 1978. That one that claims Republicans call it a regime, while repeating the outdated slogans of the 1930s.

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