George Clooney (Lexington, Kentucky, 1961) is today the only Hollywood star who calls himself, dresses, walks, calls a taxi and, above all, smiles like George Clooney.

Someone once said that rather than just an actor,

Clooney is a way of showing teeth.

The exclusivity with which you drink coffee keeps you perfectly out of competition or comparisons.

It is unique and so perfectly enviable that it even hurts.

He returns after almost three years away from the cinema and dedicated, in

Among many other things, to take care of her twin children and her new Saint Bernard dog ("Every time I go into the kitchen, I find a monster ready to hunt me down").

And he does it in a big way.


Midnight sky '


which opens in theaters next Friday and on the Netflix platform on December 23,

It is not only his seventh job as a director, it is also his creature in the strictest of senses.

The production runs on his own and hers is the main character even beyond exhaustion (he had to lose 10 kilos of weight).

The film, based on a book by

Lily Brooks-Dalton,

ventures into outer space as they did before in the performer's filmography 'Solaris' or 'Gravity'.

But far from being a science fiction story, everything seems so real that it scares.

Loneliness, global change, pandemics that do not end ... everything is there.

Without remedy.

And in the middle, Clooney, the last man standing on Earth.

What is it about science fiction that attracts you so much?

Perhaps the need to flee from this great disaster in which we live?

If I look back, the movie that changed everything and that set a new direction for the genre was'

2001: a space odyssey


I have always been interested in science fiction and the memory I have of '


'by Ridley Scott is indelible.

Let's say that these types of films speak of an imminent disaster that as time has passed, has been moving away from fiction.

Regarding '




', my interest was in directors,

Soderbergh and Cuarón

, capable of building unique worlds.

As for 'Midnight Sky' I am not sure that it is science fiction.

Yes, it takes place in space, in the future ... But everything is too real.

Seen from right now, reality is science fiction.

What do you mean?

When I had the script in my hands, I was not so impressed by the history of the space as that other much more intimate and close part that talks about loneliness and the possibility of communication.

In the end it is a story of someone who faces his fears and each of his past mistakes.

The story of a man seeking his redemption is too common to be considered science fiction.

The film is also a reflection on the family.

How has your perspective on the matter changed now that you are a married man with two children?

Without a doubt, the incorporation into my life of a woman and two incredible heads of chorlito has completely transformed who I am and each of my beliefs.

But above all,

my new situation for a few years has strengthened my belief in the extent to which we live in a fragile world

in which even democracy is in danger.

Let's say that the family increases the sense of responsibility.

And of everything that threatens right now that fragility of which you speak in this great crisis within a crisis that we are living, what is it that worries you most?

Undoubtedly, the main and most important of all threats, due to the topicality and urgency, has to do with global warming.

Our existence as a species depends on our stopping it.

But on the other hand and in what refers to the immediate future,

the worst pandemic right now is hate


Immigration is being used to pit us against each other.

All this effort to criminalize those who are fleeing poverty by accusing them of taking our jobs and worse things is terribly dangerous.

Besides fake.

We have to regain the position where facts and truth matter.

We have to listen to science.

We have to stop listening to those who only want to face us.

You cannot promote this rhetoric of hatred against precisely the most vulnerable.

But I am optimistic.

I believe like Martin Luther King that the arc of History bends towards justice.

What happens is that it takes its time.

What hopes do you have then for the new man in the White House?

High hopes.

As of January 20, the leader of the free world, so to speak,

It will not be someone who believes that journalists are the enemy of the people.

That is progress now, a good start.

As of January 20, we will not have someone who puts asylum seekers in cages and separates them from their children.

In addition, we will return to the basic idea that to get out of a situation like the pandemic we have to work together with each other and with our allies.

And go against those who have committed hate crimes.

It is a first step to do what we did before.

Every moment asks for its man.

In 2008, Barack Obama was the correct president.

And Joe Biden is the right person right now.

How did the lockdown happen?

Like most people.

The only difference is the number of diapers I have been changing.

Not my diapers, my children's diapers.

But I am aware that I am lucky.

My house has a lot where we could go out and walk.

The hardest part, as for everyone, is that I couldn't be with my parents who are 87 and 81 years old.

Neither with them nor with my in-laws who are also elderly.

This movie is for Netflix and his next project is for Amazon.

Does that mean you don't believe in movie theaters?

Have you already given up?

We go in parts.

The film will be released first in theaters and we must not lose sight of the fact that we are in the midst of a pandemic with many of the theaters closed.

Of course I believe in movie theaters


What's more, I have two more projects and they are not for any platform.

For the rest, I only have words of thanks to Netflix who sent me this script and are creating hundreds of thousands of jobs for actors, directors, producers and screenwriters.

We live the situation we live ...

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