Daxing Airport Airport Economic Zone Detailed Control Regulations Approved for

  80 Administrative Powers Mahangxing Airport Airport Area

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the press conference of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone (Daxing) Management Committee held yesterday that the Beijing Municipal Government has officially approved the "Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone (Beijing Part) Controlling Details Planning (block level)", which marks the beginning of a new stage in the construction of the airport economic zone of Daxing Airport. It will use one plan, a set of standards, and integrated construction to strive to become a new highland for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

  Create a spatial structure of "two zones, three centers, and multiple clusters"

  According to Wang Youguo, deputy secretary of the Daxing District Committee, district mayor, and director of the Airport Zone (Daxing) Management Committee, the Airport Economic Zone will be built with ecology as the core and traffic as the context, forming a "two zones, three centers, and multiple clusters" space Structure, the two districts are Lixian and Yufa two functional areas; the three centers are the central land landscape, the Lixian Central Park on the east and the Yufa ecological core on the west are three ecological landscape cores; multiple clusters are 15 blocks divided.

  "In the next 3 to 5 years, the airport zone will make full use of the free trade zone and expand the opening policy of the service industry, implement the'five new' tasks and digital trade policies, and focus on the first-level land development, infrastructure, and key projects in the starting area. Construction, the planned implementation of investment is about 100 billion yuan." Wang Youguo said that he intends to promote land development and construction in five key functional areas, including the international life and health community, the international aviation community, the comprehensive insurance zone and the non-guaranteed logistics zone, international exhibitions, and international consumption. ; Attract global life and health companies, R&D institutions, financial investment institutions, and professional service institutions to land in key functional areas; do a good job in the construction of municipal infrastructure, public supporting service facilities, ecological environment and other supporting facilities in key functional areas.

  80 administrative decentralization

  Part of the empowerment work in Beijing in the Airport Economic Zone of Beijing Daxing International Airport has recently been approved by the Beijing Municipal Government.

It is determined that the Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone (Daxing) Management Committee exercises 80 administrative powers within the planned area of ​​about 50 square kilometers in the Beijing part of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone, including 31 from 8 municipal departments , 49 items in 9 departments at the district level, to achieve "airline area affairs, airfield area management".

  Luo Boming, the full-time deputy director of the Airport Zone Management Committee, said that the empowerment matters from the first-level land development to the completion and acceptance of the project run through the key links of the entire project process and meet the actual needs of accelerating the implementation of construction projects in the airport zone. Centralized exercise of part of the urban two-level authority by the Airport Zone Management Committee will shorten the time limit for handling affairs and improve the efficiency of administrative services.

"In the next step, the management committee will use the implementation unit of the non-bonded logistics zone in the airport zone as a pilot, focusing on promoting the reform of'regional assessment + standard land + notification commitment + comprehensive service'. Coordinate regional assessment and focus on the environment, water, transportation, etc. Comprehensive regional assessments are carried out on matters, and the relevant assessment and evaluation work can not be repeated during the approval of construction projects.” Luo Boming said that relying on the “notification and commitment system” to achieve “starting when land is acquired”, and “standard land transfer” in the airport area Land-supplied social investment projects are applicable to the notification-commitment approval mode to maximize the efficiency of project approval.

  Project tracking, accurate service, seamless connection

  In order to further accelerate the implementation and advancement of the project, the Daxing Airport Airport Zone (Daxing) Management Committee has established a project promotion working group composed of investment promotion departments, corporate service departments, approval departments and other departments to establish a normalization of "project construction promotion work" Coordinate and mobilize the mechanism to realize the whole-process tracking, precise service and seamless connection of project promotion.

  At present, the Daxing Airport Airport Zone (Daxing) Management Committee has set up a "One Net Office" acceptance system.

The next step will be to improve the level of online government services based on the needs of enterprises, use blockchain, big data and other information technologies to vigorously promote "no-face" approval, build a minimalist and efficient approval mechanism, and ensure that empowerment matters are approved quickly .

At the same time, promote the integration of review and management, strengthen coordination and cooperation with municipal and district-level departments, rely on the liaison and consultation mechanism, administrative approval and supervision business coordination mechanism, vigorously promote inclusive and prudent supervision, and ensure that empowerment matters are well managed.

  Text/Photo courtesy of our reporter Pu Changting/Daxing District Government


  Intellectual Property Workstation Set up in Airport Zone of Daxing Airport

  Recently, the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Public Service Daxing Airport Airport Economic Zone Workstation was also awarded a license.

The workstation will set up an intellectual property rights adjustment studio in the Airport Economic Zone to cooperate with the mediation committee in the mediation of intellectual property disputes.

Carry out public service matters in all links of intellectual property creation, use, management and protection, improve the level of precision intellectual property services, integrate intellectual property services into the entire process of the construction of the public service system of the airport, and improve the public service system of the airport.

  In the future, the Intellectual Property Workstation will provide guidance services for qualified domestic major and difficult intellectual property matters or cases, as well as overseas intellectual property disputes or major matters that are submitted to the Beijing Intellectual Property Rights Protection Assistance Center. With the help of expert intellectual resources, the workstation will be present. In the empty zone, the geographical and operational advantages such as flexibility, quick response, etc., provide enterprises in the zone with full-cycle intellectual property services.

  A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned that in the next step, the Intellectual Property Workstation will connect with the urban two-level intellectual property public service resources by investigating the intellectual property needs of enterprises in the airport area, and provide the clients with expert guidance, special consultation, training and other basics. Service, push information and information related to intellectual property rights, enhance enterprises’ awareness and ability of intellectual property protection, promote the high-quality development of the airport’s economy, and build a world-class intellectual property protection and service platform.

  Text / reporter Pu Changting