China News Service, Guangzhou, November 29 (Cai Minjie and Yang Fang) Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, shared his personal experience of "from ordinary to excellent" at the first Young Doctors Future Forum held in Guangzhou on the 29th.

He said that whether it is personal development or subject development, from ordinary to outstanding, we must know how to embrace new technologies and introduce new technologies to solve problems in time; cooperate with other hospitals or institutions to conduct real-world research, build clinical cohorts, and become stronger and stronger Database, etc.; intensively cultivate the same research direction.

  Zhang Wenhong mentioned in the sharing that what makes him proud is that he has always had the opportunity to be at the forefront of medicine after graduation.

In 2003, shortly after graduating from his Ph.D., he participated in the fight against the SARS epidemic. At that time, he had two profound experiences. China has only just started in terms of precise traceability, and its technical strength is not advanced enough.

Since then, he has also determined that new infectious diseases are the future direction of personal research and development.

  "Although there has been no major new infectious disease outbreak in China for a long time, this idea has always been in my mind, and I am constantly accumulating knowledge and experience. No matter which industry or discipline, as a young doctor, we are important Keep an eye on the frontier of the field, and be at the forefront of medicine at all times." Zhang Wenhong said.

  "After graduating from the Ph.D., we will always be doing ordinary things in ordinary positions. When great challenges come, it will be a very big test for everyone, including this year's new crown pneumonia epidemic." Zhang Wenhong said that it is because of the down-to-earth. Accumulation, their team has always been at the forefront of the field in response to this epidemic.

  Zhang Wenhong also said that young doctors should pay attention to popular science and when the public needs to understand the truth, it is an important moment for doctors to establish their leading position in this field.

He said that the power of science popularization should not be underestimated. Although the work of obscurity is also very remarkable, in the work of young doctors, do not neglect communication with the government and the public. China's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control has succeeded, and one of the important aspects is continuous communication with the public. Communicate locally.

  "In the future, doctors, we must stand up academically, but we must also have good communication skills, and we must spare no effort to communicate with the public and the government. Your work and voice must be heard by the world." Zhang Wenhong appealed to the young doctors. In addition to doing your own job well, you should also strengthen your communication with the world.
