Shi Wenjing

  Recently, in order to give high scores to many new dramas to be aired by idol, the fan base of star Wang Yibo set off a group "Yang Douban" activity.

Fans flock to the Douban scoring platform, register for accounts, and make "nonsense" comments on new books, literary films, and masterpieces to raise their own account.

The ultimate goal of this organized behavior of "raising accounts" is to "control and evaluate" idol's works with high scores.

However, the selfish and narrow "love" of fans for idols shows a lack of respect for other works of art, which damages not only the evaluation ecology of art works, but also the image of their idols. .

  On November 23, a book editor posted an article to make Wang Yibo fans stay away from his book.

The editor said that their newly-published copyright-introduced literary and artistic book "Memory and Memories" had more than 200 short comments in two days, and the mark records were almost all Wang Yibo's fan circle.

Fans’ short reviews of this new book are not nutritious. They either paste and copy other people’s comments, or simply reply “nice, good” and “like it”.

This kind of commentary style appeared in an experimental translated novel, and its temperament was completely wrong.

A newly-introduced literary work has not been read and expressed by readers, and its comment area has been "polluted."

  On November 24, the new classic book account also made its own voice to the fan account.

In the short comments of the famous writer Raymond Carver's famous book "What are we talking about when we talk about love", there are also a large number of short comments from zero fans. These short comments or copy and paste other high praise short reviews, book reviews, or Send some sentences that have little to do with the book, and some nonsense, such as "moving" and "come on".

The new classic book hopes that fans will respect the works of others and other readers.

  Under the resistance of the book editors, the fan base began to change the attack direction of "nonsense comments", that is, the masterpiece.

Some fans in the celebrity super talk urged everyone not to rate the niche literature, "Have you read the four great masterpieces, read the books of Keigo Higashino, and "The Grimm's Fairy Tales", "A Thousand and One Nights" and so on. Comment Books read".

Since then, the famous book comment section began to suffer.

There have been many new comments that are "good-looking" and "very good".

  Why do fans plan to "raise accounts"?

This is related to the scoring system of the Douban platform.

In Douban's scoring system, the scores of works are used for reference in addition to the number of points, and the coverage of interest of the scorers.

Each new number comes up and gives a work five stars, which will be considered by the algorithm as a navy scoring, and the score will be invalid.

The scores of ordinary users who register for a long time, collect works frequently, follow other users, and remain active are counted as works scores normally.

The purpose of the fan "raising account" is to give high scores to idol works as ordinary users, not as navy soldiers.

  With the attention of netizens and the media, many fans of Wang Yibo quickly clarified the matter. Some fans said that "Yanghao" has never called for a malicious star. The general direction has been calling for the works that they like to be normal. Praise", and emphasized that the four-star book reviews were dozens of loose fans who did not understand the ecology of Douban. However, some fans also found that some fans had read the book when they were urged to delete irrelevant reviews.

On the 24th, the official Douban Shushu also issued a warning to "Yanghao", dealt with abnormal users, and actively eliminated junk data.

  This matter let the public know that fans can "control and comment" their idol works through "raising accounts".

Although this hordes of "water-injection commentary" account raising was discovered and actively handled by the platform, some problems have been exposed. Can fans' more secret "raising account" be discovered and the anti-water army mechanism Whether it is 100% effective or not is worth discussing.

As a platform for "quality" evaluation of literary works, Douban score has always been a reference object for many people to choose literary works, and in-depth exchanges and discussions on artistic works are also carried out here. If this platform is "polluted", it will be a lot of books, videos and audios. Loss of fans.

  From many things, we can find that fans’ "love" for idols is sometimes very narrow. They are accustomed to being self-advanced in enclosures and playing too much. They have a kind of false excitement of "I love beans the biggest", and they get to others' The site arbitrarily tramples on the fruits of other people's labor.

A good star chaser should grow up with idols, chase idols and mature at the same time, instead of falling into a narrow way of thinking and behavior.

If an idol's work is not good, it must be awkwardly "blown" into a good one, and then it is likely to be ridiculed by the crowd.