Nutrition Action After

Xiaoxue solar terms, how should the daily diet and daily life conform to the season?

  Last Sunday was a small snow with 24 solar terms. Before the small snow, Beijing also ushered in the first snow after winter.

Dongxuexuedong is a little bit cold, Xiaoxue is the 20th solar term in the twenty-four solar terms, and is a sign of the beginning of cold.

The winter mode will be activated after Xiaoxue solar terms.

  How to adapt to the characteristics of the season in the long and cold winter, recharge your energy, and look at today's Xiaoxue health topic.


  1. Appropriate choice of meat food: The weather is cold and dry during the light snow season. You can eat some meat foods such as mutton, beef, chicken, etc., but you need an appropriate amount and not excessive.

  2. Eat more foods that protect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels: The weather in the Xiaoxue solar term turns cold, which is the season for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, to avoid thick blood, it is recommended to eat more foods that are beneficial to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, such as salvia, hawthorn and black. Fungus, tomatoes, celery, red dates, red radish, etc.

  3. Drink plenty of water: The weather is even drier in the light snow season. Drink plenty of water to relieve symptoms such as dry mouth and throat, constipation, and dry skin.

Drinking water is best to choose warm water. According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" (2016 Edition), it is recommended that healthy adults consume 1500-1700 ml of water per day, about 7-8 cups.

  White radish water can clear heat and diuresis, and pear water can moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, both can be used as a good choice.

  Winter food recommendation


  Lamb is the best diet for Xiaoxue Solar Terms.

Lamb is rich in protein, vitamin C, calcium, iron and other minerals, and low in cholesterol, which can enhance the body's physical fitness and immunity.

In addition, mutton contains more energy than pork. Eating mutton can promote blood circulation and is an excellent food to keep out the cold and nourish the body in winter.


  The "Compendium of Materia Medica" mentions that hawthorn can "melt the diet and eliminate the accumulation of flesh."

Hawthorn is a medicinal and edible fruit. It not only contains a variety of vitamins, tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, etc., but also contains nutrients such as flavonoids, lactones, ginsenosides, calcium, iron, and selenium, and contains lipase It can promote the digestion of lipids and the secretion of gastric juice.

Therefore, eating hawthorn in winter can be appetizing, and it also has certain benefits for digestion.


  Yam is rich in soluble dietary fiber and mucin, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, protect gastric mucosa, and promote digestion.

Yam also contains protein and starch, these two nutrients can be quickly decomposed into energy in the body, play a role in cold resistance, especially suitable for the elderly and children with weak body and poor resistance.

  Red dates

  Jujube is rich in protein, fat, sugar, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin P, and nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and cyclic adenosine phosphate.

Eating more red dates in winter not only helps to improve the body's cold tolerance, but also can effectively relieve fatigue and protect the cardiovascular system.


  As the saying goes, "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer without a doctor's prescription."

It is dry in the light snow season, and the water content of radish is as high as 93.4%. It is a good product for hydrating in winter.

Radish is rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, zinc, potassium and magnesium, which can enhance human immunity and prevent colds.

Radish also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can increase bowel movement, promote digestion and absorption, and prevent constipation.

In addition, the taste of radish is sweet and crisp, and there are many ways to eat it. It can be eaten raw, stir-fried, and stewed. It is a good product for all ages.

  Chinese cabbage

  Chinese cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family of vegetables.

As the saying goes: "A hundred dishes are not as good as cabbage."

Chinese cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., which are very helpful to human intestinal health, vision development and immunity.

The content of zinc in Chinese cabbage is also among the best in vegetables, which plays an important role in improving human immunity and supplementing brain nutrition.

Chinese cabbage is worthy of being the "master dish" of the common people in winter.

  Common sense link: Can you eat more bacon?

  In the light snow season, there is a folk custom of "pickling in winter wax and storing it against winter".

After the small snow festival, the temperature dropped sharply and the weather became dry. It was a good time to process bacon. Some farmers began to make bacon.

Bacon is deeply loved by people.

  However, it is worth noting that you can not eat more bacon!

Because bacon has a high content of saturated fatty acids and a lot of salt, and a large amount of carcinogen nitrite is produced during the curing process, excessive intake can increase the risk of certain tumors.

  So eat less bacon!


  It is necessary to pay attention to outdoor exercise to keep in good health during the light snow season.

Properly move your muscles and bones and sweat, so as to strengthen your body, improve your resistance, and prevent diseases.

Winter exercises are different according to individual physique and age.

The elderly should try to do moderate aerobic exercise as much as possible, and those with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should try to avoid strenuous exercise such as mountain climbing.

In winter exercises should be done step by step, pay attention to the intensity, insist on walking for more than half an hour every day, running exercises should be slightly sweaty.

  Don't: stay in the house in winter and never go out!


  Dressing: The weather turns cold during the light snow season, and colds are also entering the season, so it is necessary to add clothes in time to keep warm.

The clothes are mainly warm, supplemented by lightness and comfort.

Don't: wrap your clothes too tightly!

Clothes that are too tight or too thick will not only restrict physical activity, but also affect blood circulation.

  Environment: The light snow season is just in the heating season, not only the indoor temperature, but also the indoor ventilation and humidity.

Open more windows for ventilation in sunny weather to maintain indoor air circulation and prevent the increase of indoor carbon dioxide concentration; put a basin of water near the heat dissipation facility or use a humidifier to humidify the indoor air; keep a few pots of flowers and plants indoors Fill the room with fresh air.

Don't: The room temperature is too high and the humidity is too low!

This will cause physical discomfort and easily cause disease.

  Mood: In the light snow season, the weather is cold and gloomy, and people's moods are also easily affected at this time, so adjust your mentality in time, maintain an optimistic mood, actively participate in some outdoor activities to enhance your physical fitness, get more sun, listen to music, and participate in entertainment , In order to stimulate the passion for life

  Author: Sun Li Cui (China CDC Nutrition and Health Research Associate)