Among contemporary writers, Feng Jicai can be called a "Wizard".

  He is good at writing novels, his characters are concise and vivid, his strokes are lively and humorous, he is reasonable and bearable, and he is a well-deserved master of novels.

So far, he has published more than 250 kinds of works.

  He has exquisite painting skills and has held 23 painting exhibitions. He is called "the representative of modern literati painting" by critics.

  In the prime of his creative years, he turned from literary creation and devoted himself to protecting the history of the city and rescuing folk culture. He was hailed as "the first person to protect ancient villages in China."

  From a writer, a painter, to a protector of intangible cultural heritage, he is like a "slash young man" whose identity has been changing.

Recently, he has added a new identity-the reader of the "Du Lai Reading" National Reading Program, and shared the content and writing insights of his new novel "Artists" through Douyin.

 Like the feeling of being "buried" by books

  Feng Jicai once said: "All my life experiences and gains are inseparable from the nourishment of literature and books."

  Turgenev's "First Love" was the first foreign literature he read when he was only in his 20s.

The fresh experience brought by this book made him read foreign masterpieces eagerly, and he couldn't get it.

  Among the many foreign writers, Chekhov had a greater influence on Feng Jicai, and his writing was also influenced by it, such as the good use of short sentences, line-drawing techniques, and rhythmic language.

In Feng Jicai's view, Chekhov has a heart of compassion, and this is the most important thing for the writer.

  In the 1970s, when he first started writing, Feng Ji lived in a house less than 10 square meters.

There is only one table for the whole family to eat in the whole room. After eating, he can read, write, and draw on the table by putting away the dishes.

Having a study room of his own was a luxury at that time.

  But he never gave up reading and writing because of this. Instead, he created many excellent novels, proses and paintings.

The novel "Yihequan", "The Flowery Road" and "Ah!

"Carved Tobacco Pipe", "Snowy Night Guest", "God Whip", including the well-known prose "Mountain Workman", are his masterpieces during that period.

  Entering Feng Jicai's current study room will surprise you.

Except for doors and windows in the room, as long as there are walls, they are all made into bookshelves, which rise from the ground to the roof.

He said that he likes the feeling of being "buried" by books.

  As for how many books he has read over the years, he can't find out.

The real book is in the field, in the society, in the hearts of the people

  In addition to being a contemporary writer, Feng Ji is known to more people because of his work in the rescue of folk culture.

  In 1991, the former Milou of the revolutionary literary group Nanshe will be demolished.

Feng Jicai, who heard the news, felt extremely heartbroken. He had never sold his own paintings before, so he decided to sell his paintings.

Feng Ji, who was in his prime of writing, has since withdrawn from literary creation and turned to the work of protecting Chinese folk culture.

  In 2001, Feng Jicai, then chairman of the Chinese Folk Artists Association, proposed that the folk cultural heritage of 56 ethnic groups of 9.6 million square kilometers should be sorted out in an all-round way, and recorded and archived to promote related protection.

But he only got 300,000 yuan in expenses, and he was also faced with problems such as manpower shortage. The difficulty can be imagined.

  However, these difficulties did not shake his determination.

If there is no money, he sells his paintings, even though he is reluctant to give up his own work; if he lacks people, he "move the desk to the field" and lead the experts to run around the fields.

Many of his own graduate students were the main force in fieldwork at that time.

  In this process, Feng Jicai led a team to edit and organize a large number of cultural files for woodblock New Year pictures, paper-cutting, and thangka.

Since then, two super-large databases have been produced: one is the Chinese woodblock New Year pictures database, which contains all the graphic materials and research results obtained from the "China Woodblock New Year Pictures Census Protection Project" which took a ten-year census of the country’s 44 New Year pictures production areas; In cooperation with Hanwang, the oral literary heritage of epics, myths, stories, proverbs, and ballads collected by the Chinese National Association for decades was recorded into the database. The first issue recorded 887 million words.

  During the 20 years of running for the protection of traditional culture, although the amount of reading and writing has been reduced, in Feng Jicai's view, he has gained far more than he has lost.

  He always felt that he had read those cultural heritage books, life books, ordinary people's books, and life books. This was a three-dimensional interpretation of history, culture, and life.

The real book is not only in the study, but also in the field, in the society, and in the hearts of the people.

 People's reading habits change, and writers should also consider changing

  In Feng Jicai's view, the purpose of reading is nothing more than four: instrumental reading, seeking knowledge, recreation and spiritual life.

  And spiritual life is what he admires, because people need a pure, spiritual, emotional life, a thinking and aesthetic life, otherwise life will be boring.

In addition, reading should follow your own temperament and read more classics, just like entering a scenic area. Everyone has a different entrance, but there will be guidance in this scenic area.

  In addition to reading, Feng Jicai has another hobby, which is "collecting".

Unlike other antiques collections, he collects things that are meaningful to his life, letters from enthusiastic readers, paintings and calligraphy presented by friends, and shoulder poles given to him by Taishan Mountain Workers... these things that others look inconspicuous, He regarded it as a treasure, just as he had guarded folk culture over the years.

  "It seems that I am getting older, and it is a bit difficult to go up the stairs. I spend a lot of time in the study. As soon as I sit in the study, this novel will come to me." In recent years, the novels "The Complete Book of Secular Men" and "Single Binoculars" The publication of "Artists" and others have also shown the world's inexhaustible creative power of this 70-year-old writer.

  The new novel "The Artists" tells the process of the painters Chu Yuntian, Luo Qian, and Luofu from the confluence of souls to the gradual separation, reflecting the social and ideological changes in the past 50 years.

Little attention is paid to the group of artists in domestic literary works. For the first time, the book fully presented their living conditions and spiritual world for more than half a century. Therefore, once it came out, it received great attention.

  For professional reasons, Feng Jicai is more sensitive to various changes.

Through decades of writing and communicating with readers, Feng Ji felt that if people’s reading habits have changed, this requires writers to think about what kind of artistic power should be used to hold the position of pure literature and make Adjustments and adaptations.

  He said that entering Douyin is a self-breakthrough. He hopes to use this platform to communicate with friends who like literature, and by sharing his reading experience and life insights, more people will fall in love with literature and reading.