[Commentary] The story of Ma Yongen, a 14-year-old boy in Pingyu County, Henan Province, took his paralyzed father to school.

Six years later, at the age of 20, he continued to take his father to college, fulfilling his promise of "Bring his father to college".

  [Concurrent] Ma Yongen, student of Huanghe University of Science and Technology 

  I followed my dad from childhood to adulthood, and my dad was by my side to take good care of him. I don’t worry about other situations at home.

  [Explanation] Ma Yongen is a college student on the Jiyuan campus of Huanghe Science and Technology University.

After going to university, the school arranged for him and his father Ma Xiaoquan to live in the staff dormitory to provide convenience for him to take care of his father.

Ma Yongen's major is machinery manufacturing and automation, and he gets up at almost four or five o'clock every day.

In addition to attending classes and taking care of his father, he started work-study programs with the help of counselors, working part-time in the cafeteria and library.

  [Concurrent] Ma Yongen, student of Huanghe University of Science and Technology

  The most commonly eaten noodles, egg noodles, because I did not buy meat, this pot can not be fried.

I think it's okay, it tastes good. Sometimes school meals seem to have the same taste, and it feels good to eat lightly.

(This meal) can save nearly 10 yuan (RMB).

  [Explanation] In September 2007, Ma Yongen’s father Ma Xiaoquan suddenly suffered from acute spondylitis when he was working outside. He lost consciousness from the neck down. He spent a long time seeing a doctor not only spent his family’s savings but also had high debts. At the same time, he suffered a series of family changes and his grandfather passed away. Parents divorced and mother left without saying goodbye, and 8-year-old Ma Yongen shouldered the burden of family life.

  [Concurrent] Ma Yongen, student of Huanghe University of Science and Technology

  The hardest part is that my grandfather is gone and my mother is divorced. From 2010 to 2014, it was the hardest in these 4 years. Basically, I had to do all the work at home. Some of my aunts and uncles came to help. help.

(During the college entrance examination) I took care of my father while preparing for the exam. Sometimes I was really tired, but when I was wronged, I could only cry silently.

  [Explanation] Ma Yongen, who entered the university, has not slackened on life and study. In the future, he hopes to be admitted to graduate school.

  [Concurrent] Ma Yongen, student of Huanghe University of Science and Technology

  I have taken my dad to school since I was little, and I must take it for the postgraduate entrance examination. After all, I have taken my dad for so many years.

  [Concurrent] Ma Xiaoquan

  My son has done a great job, and I am very satisfied with this (degree).

He is indeed filial. It has not been easy for him to take care of me to school for more than ten years.

It can be said that if an adult takes care of a paraplegic person who cannot take care of himself in life, like me, it may not be possible.

  Li Chaoqing, Mao Longtao and Huang Shan report from Henan

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】