"Confinement Challenge" Winning Bonus Event Causes Controversy

Psychologist: Abnormal behavior affects body and mind

  Recently, many companies have held a "Confinement Challenge" on the Internet platform. The challenger must live alone for 30 days in a room without any electronic equipment, no time prompts, and zero contact with the outside world.

If the challenge is successful, you can get a bonus ranging from 50,000 to 100,000.

For such extreme challenges, psychologists believe that the challenge of confinement for 30 days is an abnormal type of challenge. It is impossible for ordinary people to try to challenge for 30 consecutive days, and it may even have a negative impact on the challenger’s physical and mental health or future life. .

  "Containment" for 30 days

  Challenge to win prizes

  A company called "Xi'an Hesuyun Information Technology Co., Ltd." began planning the "Confinement Challenge" activity at the end of September this year.

Currently, the challenge information released by the company is circulating on the Internet, which has also caused controversy.

  "In fact, this confinement challenge is also used as a commercial promotion." Li Haoxun, the legal representative of the company, told a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily that the confinement challenge activity stipulates that there are no electronic products, no time information, and no contact with the outside world. Office buildings with washable toilets but not baths can receive a bonus of 50,000 yuan if they live in a single household for 30 days.

After the challenger participates, an agreement is signed to allow the entire live broadcast.

  Li Haoxun stated that this activity was filed in accordance with relevant regulations on "escape from the room" in the relevant departments of industry and commerce, fire protection and public security.

  According to reports, the event stipulates that challengers can bring 3 personal items, including Rubik's Cube, notebooks, books, etc.

The organizer will deliver enough water and food from time to time every day. If the challenge fails, a daily challenge fee of 200 yuan must be charged.

  The challenger himself must be at least 20-35 years old, and provide a health certificate from a municipal hospital, as well as a certificate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health to avoid sudden illness.

At the same time, the challenger can follow the requirements to register at home after a week, and the challenge deposit must be paid in advance.

  Some netizens questioned that the organizer might deliberately increase the number of meals delivered each day, causing the challenger to misjudge the number of days.

Others believe that the organizer uses the live broadcast to collect traffic to make a profit or defraud the challenge deposit.

Some people even reported the activity to the police as "suspected pyramid schemes."


  Call a psychologist to "monitor" the live broadcast

  Adjusted the rules for questioning the organizer.

For example, the staff will avoid "three meals a day from time to time", instead of placing 90 meals of self-heating rice, self-heating noodles and other foods in advance.

At the same time, the penalty for challenge failure has also been changed to a daily grading calculation. If the challenge fails in the first 10 days, the challenger will pay the challenge fee at 200 yuan per day. If the challenge fails from the 11th to the 18th day, 100 yuan will be returned from 2,000 yuan every day.

If the challenge fails on the 19th day, an extra 100 yuan will be refunded, which means that the challenge that day fails and only a challenge fee of 1,000 yuan is required.

  Starting from the 20th day, if the challenge fails, the daily fee will increase by 200 yuan.

On the 22nd day, 400 yuan will be increased in turn every day, and 300 yuan will be added to the last two days.

This means that if the challenge fails on the 29th day, a challenge fee of 5200 yuan is required.

The confinement challenge activity so far has a record of 19 days.

The deposit is collected in advance just to avoid some risks and prevent individual people from "crawling".

After the challenge, the deposit will be returned to the challenger.

However, due to the report of "suspected pyramid scheme dens activities", the organizer cooperated with the inspection of relevant departments and called for the suspension of 4 challenges.

  Li Haoxun said that some netizens questioned "mental safety", "We considered the challenger's psychological endurance, so a professional psychologist was hired for the challenge." After the staff authorized the live broadcast of the challenge to a psychologist, The doctor can observe the challenger's situation 24 hours a day. If there is any abnormal behavior, the doctor will also notify the staff to stop the game as soon as possible and evaluate it.


  Give up the challenge on the ninth day

  Xiao Ma, in his early twenties, is a challenger who participated in the event. He is an ordinary company employee. His daily work is to face the computer in the office, and he rarely contacts people. He admitted that the purpose of participating in the challenge is to " Empty yourself".

  Xiao Ma said that the event site was set up in a community.

"A few days before entering the room, I feel pretty good, and I feel fresh about the surrounding environment. The regular delivery of 3 meals a day and the sound of neighbors practicing piano regularly outside the window make it easy to calculate the time. But after a few days I slept and ate, The life of eating and sleeping quickly made me tired of the surrounding environment, and my mood became more and more depressed."

  Xiao Ma said that he started looking for things to kill time, so he stared at the black and white checkered tablecloth.

He tore off the black trash bag and used it as a black one, rubbed a white napkin into a ball and used it as a white one, fighting offense and defense for a while.

Later, he used different shapes of paper balls as chess, changing his mind and keeping himself focused.

When he was sleepy, he would sleep for a while. When he woke up, he continued to play. At this time, the sound of the piano outside the window was already very harsh to him.

"I thought to myself, how come I always play a song all day long without changing it."

  Xiao Ma recalled that when he was bored, he would do simple exercises such as sit-ups to distract, but his mental state was still getting worse and worse, and he became more and more irritable. On the ninth day, he gave up the challenge.


  Forcing yourself to persist may affect your future life

  Psychological counselor Gao Aihua believes that the challenge of confinement for 30 days is an abnormal type of challenge. It is impossible for ordinary people to try to challenge for 30 consecutive days, and it may even have a negative impact on the challenger's physical and mental health or future life.

  She believes that through this experience, the challenger may lose a sense of security and reduce trust. The narrow and depressive environment will bring a greater psychological impact to the challenger, and the limited vision will swallow the challenge bit by bit. The enjoyment of life, invisibly increases the emotional experience of anxiety, grievance, loneliness, helplessness, panic, anger, etc., causing traumatic effects.

  Under this special environmental stimulus, the challenger is likely to suffer from "claustrophobia".

"Although'claustrophobia' occurs mostly in childhood, it may also be related to adult life experience and environment. Some potential patients are challenged by confinement without their knowledge, which is likely to aggravate the condition." Gao Aihua said, let the challenge Being in a closed environment blocks the individual’s contact with the outside world and lacks a social support system.

As time goes by, if the challenger persists in the challenge, his anxiety level will rise accordingly. When he feels more uneasy and dangerous, it will cause high levels of mental stress and even a fear of dying.

However, if the symptoms are mild, they can be relieved and cured as long as they are separated from the confined space and properly guided.

If this bad emotional experience is not relieved and released in time, it may affect the challenger's routine life, work ability and social function in the future.

  This group of articles/Wang Haoxiong