if we assume,

  The hero who silently guards this city is called "Superman",

  Then you must be the most "omnipotent" one.

  You went retrograde during the fire,

  Dare to rush out of the fire holding a fire-breathing gas bottle.

  You rushed ahead during the flood,

  Even if you wade yourself one by one,

  It will also move all the people to safety.

  You are also in the rescue after the earthquake,

  The bright orange firefighting suit makes people feel more at ease.

  In addition, people also found that

  The kitten is trapped in the tree and cannot move, you will be there;

  The bear child can't take the ring off in his hand, you will be there;

  When there is a hornet's nest hanging on the roadside and no one dares to take it, you will be...

  You have become "omnipotent firefighters" in people's words.

  Maybe too many people are used to it,

  Take it for granted.

  But they are also ordinary people,

  You also have parents, children, lovers,

  You are also flesh and blood, and have seven emotions and six desires.

  Just because of wearing this suit,

  You have to become the "omnipotent" "superman",

  Worry about the trivialities of our lives,

  More importantly, we must protect our lives.

  November 9th,

  National Fire Day,

  A holiday belonging to this group of heroes!

  With a set of exclusive comic emoticons

  Tribute to them!


  In the face of flames, people’s instinct is to run away,

  But they always choose to go to the fire,

  The reason why there is no fear,

  Just because the love is deep and fierce.


  Superheroes belong to science fiction movies,

  Backfire heroes are by your side.


  No amount of arrogant fire demon can fight a good fireman,

  Try if you are not satisfied!


  Who doesn't know that life is precious?

  It’s just the responsibility,

  Just care for the people,

  Willing to bet your life!


  The face is black!

  The teeth are white!

  The heart is warm!


  Superman will be tired too!

  Iron man will doze off too!


  The buns after victory are particularly fragrant!

  Don't believe you try it?


  On the battlefield side by side, you and I are life and death brothers!

  Hand in hand to fight the fire demon, each other is close to each other!


  Even if the fire is still raging,

  The baby can also sleep soundly,

  Because he also knows,

  There are firemen to guard his safety!


  What is "going through fire and water"?

  When danger comes,

  What the firefighters did is...


  They often face life and death directly,

  Understand the preciousness of life better,

  Don't be afraid of them!


  Everything is anim, all beings are equal,

  Firefighters will not only save people,

  It will also help all the weak and small who encounter difficulties!


  Sometimes, facing the threat of death,

  They even give the hope of life to others,

  And choose yourself to face the possibility of death...


  Strong as a hundred steel-making in the fire field!

  The warmth under the fire is soft!


  The greatest comfort is the understanding of the people,

  The greatest joy is the child's approval!


  The man does not flick when he has tears!

But sometimes in front of the tombstone of sacrificed comrades... it is not a sin for men to cry, and no matter how strong they are, they have the right to cry...


Like the fire hero!

  May they return safely every time they go to police!

  May they not be alone every time they go retrograde!

  May they win every battle and pay it back!

  Author: Caomeng Yuan Ni Wen ice