"Being abducted is a blessing" argument is to wash away the evil of white traffickers


  This kind of "blessing theory", which materializes living people, still doesn't treat people as human beings, and it also contributes to the rampancy of some human traffickers.

  On October 17, 35 years after being trafficked, Deliang, a 59-year-old Buyi woman, finally returned to her hometown in Guizhou from Hui County, Henan Province.

According to the Beijing News, Deliang has never been able to learn Chinese in the 35 years since he was trafficked to Henan.

Others did not understand the Bouyei language she spoke, thinking she was a mute or mentally ill person who could only babble.

She almost always lives in her own world.

And returning home after a 35-year absence from hometown gave the story a gratifying ending.

  Many netizens expressed their pity, emotion, and emotion.

But there is also a voice-"She enjoys the blessing in Henan" "Pingyuan Village in Henan is better than Shangou Village in Guizhou"...

  Frankly speaking, according to reports, Deliang’s material life in Henan is indeed better than that of his hometown. However, according to this, the so-called "blessing theory" is not treated as a person, but a living person is given to him. Materialized.

  Any individual has the right to self-awareness and independent choice.

We cannot use a general and general vision to measure a person's experience by material standards.

What's more, in Deliang's story, the "result" of most of her life is not the relative abundance some netizens imagine.

  Even if the living conditions in Henan are better, the loneliness of unaccompanied and language barriers, the spiritual vacuum that cannot be recognized and respected, how can you enjoy the words?

  In the report, Deliang’s daughter introduced that countless times, the mother sat at the door of the house and called her into the house by herself. She murmured: “That’s not my home.” She said to herself, “My home. Where are they? Are my parents still there?" Living in such longing or obsession, how can you connect with happiness?

If this is a blessing, does the victim have to thank the trafficker?

  What we want is to be together.

Humans are emotional animals after all.

Without feelings, no matter how rich living conditions can be?

For 35 years, Deliang has been talking about "going home" and ran away twice. After the death of her husband in 2018, he "can't hold back" thinking back... This kind of instinctive reaction of the mind has bluntly declared: Years of life, not enjoyment.

  In fact, when it comes to dealing with trafficking, the "blessing theory" has always had a market.

For example, the movie "A Woman Married to Dashan" caused huge controversy because of the values ​​it promoted.

The story is based on Gao Yanmin, who was trafficked to the depths of Taihang Mountain at the age of 18.

At that time, Chen Shiqu, then director of the Anti-trafficking Office of the Ministry of Public Security, publicly stated on Weibo that “the victims should be rescued, and the abduction should not be condoned or sympathetic to the buyer. Local police investigations have been deployed.

  The core of Deliang's story is the same, and the truth and right and wrong are also the same.

We have no right to teach the parties to learn to be patient and accept, and there is no reason to promote this kind of helpless confession and dedication.

To a certain extent, the existence of this "blessing theory" is contributing to the rampancy of certain human traffickers.

  With these notions, the behavior of those traffickers not only failed to attract the attention of neighbors and allowed judicial and social assistance to intervene, but to a certain extent they may also find an excuse to soothe their inner guilt: Life has become better.

  At the end of the story, Deliang chose to return to his "home" in Henan.

The reason she gave to others as well as to herself was that "there is a grandson to take care of".

In this choice, there is relief and helplessness.

But in any case, we must respect Deliang's choice.

After 35 years, her name has finally changed from "hello" to "liang", and she finally became herself, which is more important than any blessing.

  For the public, the condemnation of human trafficking and sympathy for the trafficked person should never be dispelled by the "blessing theory."

  □ and return (media person)