65.6% of minors have used short videos

Thirty percent of minors think the youth model is useless

Source: China Youth Daily

  With the development and popularization of mobile networks and smart terminals, short video users are showing a rising trend, and they are becoming more and more popular among minors in network use.

This also brings greater challenges to the protection of minors online.

The "Features and Protection of Short Video Use of Primary and Secondary School Students" released by the China Youth Research Center shows that nearly 70% of minors have used short videos, and less than 10% of minors frequently use short videos.

More than 30% of minors think the youth model is useless, and more than 20% of minors often report bad information when they see it in short videos.

65.6% of minors have used short videos, less than 10% of them frequently

  The survey found that 65.6% of minors have used short videos, and 34.4% have not used short videos.

Group comparison found that girls are 4.2 percentage points higher than boys; urban minors are 3.8 percentage points higher than rural minors; the proportion of junior high school students who have used short videos is higher, the proportion of junior high school students is the highest (70.3%), the fourth grade of elementary school The proportion of students using short videos is the lowest (55.7%).

  What channels did minors first contact with short videos?

The survey shows that the primary channel for minors to learn about short videos is recommendation by others (52.5%), followed by active experience (37.8%), and advertising (21.8%) is ranked third. Not high (15.1%).

It can be seen that minors' exposure to short videos is more affected by others.

  The survey found that most minors use short videos on rest days and holidays, the proportion is nearly 60% (58.8%), followed by the time between bedtime, homework, and the time between school and school, the proportion is also more than half ( 50.9%).

These two time periods are the main time for minors to use short videos.

In addition, before going to bed (20.9%) is also an important time period for many minors to use short videos.

  The survey also found that the frequency of short videos used by minors is not high, and most minors use them occasionally or sometimes.

The data shows that less than 10% (9.7%) of minors frequently use short videos or live broadcasts, sometimes nearly 30% (28.2%) use short videos, and more than 30% (32.2%) occasionally use short videos, and rarely use them. Nearly 30% (29.9%) of minors.

  The comparison found that boys have a higher proportion of high-frequency use of short videos, and rural students have a higher proportion of high-frequency use. Grade comparisons found that, except for the third grade, students basically show that as the grade rises, students "frequently" and "sometimes" The proportion of short videos is gradually increasing.

The low proportion of junior high school students should be closely related to the high school entrance examination.

More than half of minors agree that people under the age of 14 should use short videos with parental consent or companionship

  How do minors view the content of short videos?

Statistics show that 29.7% of minors believe that the content of most short videos is vulgar, 31.4% of minors believe that the youth model adopted by short videos is of little use, and 54.9% of minors agree that the use of short videos under the age of 14 should obtain parental consent. Or be accompanied by parents.

  With regard to the view that “children under the age of 14 should use short videos with parental consent or companionship”, 66.3% of elementary school students agree, which is nearly 11 percentage points higher than junior high school students and more than 20 percentage points higher than high school students.

  "If you see bad information on a short video, would you report or boycott it?" The survey on this issue found that 18.3% of minors said "no", 26.4% said "usually", and 22.6 % Means "occasionally" and 32.8% means "subject to circumstances."

It can be seen that only 20% of minors resolutely report or resist actions when encountering bad information.

  A comparison of minors from different groups found that boys had a higher proportion of "often" reporting when they encountered bad information, 6.1% higher than girls.

The proportion of urban minors who choose "regular meetings" is 1.8% higher than that of rural minors.

The proportion of junior high school students who choose "regular meeting" is the highest, with an average proportion of 28.7%.

  How can we make the youth model more effective in the use of short videos?

How to prevent elementary and middle school students from contacting or downloading unhealthy short videos?

Is the privacy agreement of the short video account easy for minors to understand?

Do elementary and middle school students hide their location information by default when uploading pictures or videos?

These problems urgently need to be better resolved.

Only when the whole society establishes the concept of "child-friendly", starting from the characteristics and laws of children, can we provide more support and services to minors and parents in policy formulation, and produce more responsible products for minors in terms of product development. Cultural products.

  Regarding the supervision of short video platforms and the protection of minors, policies alone are far from enough, and supporting measures are needed to effectively enhance the government’s supervision and service capabilities.

For example, how are policies and regulations balanced, coordinated, and complementary?

How to use effective measures to mobilize minors to actively choose the youth model?

How to promote close cooperation between academia and industry to better study the characteristics and laws of the use of media by minors?

What measures are adopted to improve the ability of minors to avoid online security risks?

These are the focal points for the government to improve its supervision and service capabilities.

  Sun Hongyan and Li Jiayue Source: China Youth Daily

  November 05, 2020 Version 10