"The purpose of becoming an idol is to better eliminate young people's blind obedience to idols, so that they can learn their views on problems through idols and ask more why." Recently, Zhong Nanshan delivered a speech at the 3rd World Top Scientists Forum When I said this sentence, it quickly became popular on the Internet.

  We often hear voices advising young people not to "blindly chase stars", but we rarely see "idols" who come forward to analyze what they should do as an idol to qualify.

For idols, they are always more associated with "star idols" in the online context, and we often overlook that "star" is not the full meaning of the term "idol".

In a broader scope, idols are objects to be pursued and worshipped.

  Zhong Nanshan, who is 84 years old this year, is regarded as an idol by many young people. Of course, he cannot do without his strong professional ability and personality charm.

Even though he has won such a high honor as the Medal of the Republic, he still never forgets to reflect on himself, thinking that "numerous young people all regard scientists as idols, but we cannot be satisfied with this."

Zhong Nanshan has high requirements for himself as to why he has to become an idol and what he should do after becoming an idol. He also has the same expectations for the younger generation of scientists.

  Yuan Longping, another grandfather of the Republic Medal winner, also appeared on the Internet hot search yesterday.

The third-generation hybrid rice new combination experiment and demonstration base measured the average late rice yield of 911.7 kg per mu on November 2 and the average early rice yield of 619.06 kg per mu was measured in July this year. So far, Yuan Longping’s team has double-cropped rice per mu. Production once again set a new historical record-breaking 1,500 kg.

After hearing the news, Yuan Longping was excited like a child, a series of "hahaha" laughter overflowed the screen, infecting every Chinese, and proud of every Chinese.

  It is no accident that Zhong Nanshan and Yuan Longping are loved and admired by all Chinese people.

A promising country cannot be without pioneers, and a promising nation cannot be without an example.

In the face of the unknown virus, once was the "SARS" in 2003 and the other was the new crown pneumonia in 2020. Zhong Nanshan stepped forward twice, daring to speak up, being a pioneer, and using his own words and deeds to influence a batch of vitality. The vigorous young medical staff showed deep family and country feelings in retrograde.

Of course he is a well-deserved idol.

  Zhong Nanshan and Yuan Longping were able to harvest a large number of young fans with their grandparents' advanced age, and also conveyed two tendencies: one is that our young people are discriminating, and the other is that young people have their own unique understanding of struggle.

Yuan Longping has been devoted to researching hybrid rice for a lifetime. He has been working in the fields for more than 50 years. He not only brought hope and gains for mankind to use science and technology to defeat hunger, but also his strict self-discipline and indifferent to fame and fortune. Young people express their respect.

  Idols are "objects imitated by others".

The title of "National Idol" of Zhong Nanshan and Yuan Longping derives from their outstanding achievements in their careers, their innovative spirit, persistent will to pursue and their responsible attitude towards the country and society.

  The power of role models is endless. As idols of many young people, Zhong Nanshan and Yuan Longping used their own words and deeds to teach young people not to follow idols blindly.

"The mountains stand up and live up to your youth, your future, our silent expectations, and look forward to the blossoming of flowers!" This phrase Zhong Nanshan once expressed to the younger generation of medical staff is precisely telling the Chinese youth to integrate personal values ​​into In the struggle to realize the Chinese dream, I learned the essence of the two idols.

  Source of this article: CCTV News (ID: cctvnewscenter)

  Author/Zhao Jing