In "Our children's secret lives", children of preschool age meet in a preschool environment where they get to know each other, learn new things and play together.

At the same time, the children are filmed with secret cameras and their behavior towards each other is commented on by two child psychologists. 

"Goes against the Convention on the Rights of the Child"

In one episode, a child falls over and becomes so sad that he walks aside and cries.

The child psychologists are then asked to wait and keep their distance.

In the debate article, the researchers believe that children participate in social experiments that are contrary to ethical principles.

"Violence, verbal as well as physical, occurs."

"What the participants are exposed to is incompatible with the right to privacy and integrity enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child."

"We have the research world behind us"

Micael Lekberg, publisher responsible for the program, believes that the program is an entertaining and knowledge-oriented program that is about children's development.

- I do not know what the researchers in the article mean by the fact that there is violence in the program because it does not.

We have recorded the program in consultation with educators and child psychologists.

The parents also have full insight.

Micael Lekberg says that it is just an insight into how children handle conflicts.

- The experts believe that it is good for the children to practice and practice these situations that arise.

It is not harmful to film the children in this type of dialogue.