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  • On November 16, 2019, Elisa Pilarski, a 29-year-old pregnant woman, was killed by dogs in the forest of Retz, in Aisne.

  • Since then, justice seeks to know which of the dog of his companion or of the dogs of a hunting with hounds which was held nearby fatally bitten the young woman.

  • According to two veterinary experts, it was Curtis, the dog of the victim's companion, who was responsible for the fatal bites.

The mystery finally solved?

Since the death of Elisa Pilarski, killed by dogs in the forest of Retz (Aisne), on November 16, 2019, investigators did not know which animal - or which animals - had really fatally bitten the young woman of 29, pregnant at time of the facts.

Two versions were opposed between the dog of the companion of the victim and dogs of a hunting with hounds which was held near the scene of the tragedy.

According to two veterinarians, mandated by justice, only the dog that Elisa Pilarski was walking then is at the origin of her death.

This is what the lawyer of the companion of the young woman said on Sunday while relativizing the scope of these conclusions.

Genetic samples taken from 67 dogs

In order to identify the responsible animal (s), genetic samples were taken from 67 dogs: the five American Staffordshires of Elisa Pilarski and her companion Christophe Ellul, and 62 others belonging to the Rallye la Passion association.

While the results of these analyzes are still awaited, the Company of Hunting reported the conclusions of the two veterinarians, incriminating according to it exclusively Curtis.

“It's an indictment, not an expert report.

It is very astonishing on behalf of veterinarians to lead to something so categorical ”, reacted the lawyer of Christophe Ellul, Alexandre Novion.

"Public opinion has been absorbing recurring attacks against [Christophe] Ellul and his dog for months," he laments, reserving the right to request a second opinion.

“Contrary to what the opposing party says, mass is not said.


The end of the mystery?

The Hunting Society is categorical on the exclusion of hunting dogs with hounds by the two experts, citing extracts from the report.

"The dog Curtis is the sole perpetrator of the bites that caused the death," the two vets wrote, according to the Company's statement.

"The individualizable bites are compatible with the jaw of Curtis alone and not of hunting dogs."

According to Guillaume Demarcq, lawyer for the crew master of the Rallye La Passion, “there is no longer, if there ever was one, Elisa Pilarski mystery.

Curtis killed Elisa Pilarski.

There is no possible dispute on the scenario of the drama.

Nothing can stop this dog when he starts to bite.

According to him, even if the DNA of the hunting dogs were found on the victim's body, it could not be concluded that they bit or killed her.

A report that is not final

The veterinarians' report "is an important element of the file, among others, DNA analyzes will be one more element to put into perspective with the rest of the elements", commented Cathy Richard, lawyer for Elisa Pilarski's mother.

“Elisa and Christophe Ellul had known each other for a short time, she was not there when he trained Curtis, had never lived with this dog and had not had the opportunity to be alone with him until then. », She underlined.


Woman killed by dogs: DNA analyzes of dogs expected at the end of the first half of 2020


Woman Killed by Dogs: Why does justice have to call on a (very expensive) private lab to analyze DNA?

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