The body of the "black face doctor" who was infected with the new crown has recovered. Yi Fan who reported "whitening" in a conversation:

  "Go on as a doctor, I can't come back in vain"

  "On September 5, 2020, Yi Fan rode to the Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge alone. He was still a little pant after being only 5 minutes away from home. A year ago, Yi Fan also rode here. That time Together with colleagues, they rode from Hanyang Qiaotou all the way to Wuhan East Lake, from East Lake to Hubu Alley, and finally rode home from Hubu Alley, almost around the city of Wuhan.

  After that ride, Wuhan is about to enter winter, which is also the season for high incidence of heart disease.

As the deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of Wuhan Central Hospital, Yi Fan has become increasingly busy.

  My lover, Sun Yingjie, remembers that after the winter last year, Yi Fan seldom could sleep peacefully. He often received a call at 2 in the middle of the night and rushed back to the hospital. It was common for the operation to last more than ten hours.

Sun Yingjie always thinks, if at that time, take care of his body and don't be so tired, maybe the next thing will not happen.

  On January 22, during the operation on the patient, Yi Fan suffered from physical discomfort. After CT and blood routine examinations, he was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia.

On January 28, Yi Fan drove to the hospital alone to go through the hospitalization procedures. After queuing for 6 hours, he was finally admitted to the hospital. He changed from a doctor to a patient.

  In the next few months, Yi Fan spent 30 days in a severe coma. At his thinnest, he was only more than 50 kilograms. He also underwent tracheal intubation, ECMO (artificial lung), and tracheotomy.

When the situation was at its worst, Yi Fan was unconscious, his muscles weakened, and the situation was once critical...

  After escaping from the Grim Reaper, after taking the photo of the "black face" that made people familiar with him, Yi Fan began rehabilitation.

This is a period of "from scratch" like a child, including twisting towels and brushing teeth from the beginning, taking medicine and drinking water all become "dangerous".

Yi Fan later used tweezers to clamp beans to exercise his hand flexibility.

  It wasn't until September this year that his left arm could be lifted with less effort.

On September 1, he sent his daughter to school for the first time.

Until recently, he has been able to go to the hospital alone for rehabilitation.


  On October 29, Yi Fan was interviewed by a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily at home. His wife, Sun Yingjie, was with him throughout the process.

"Unfortunately, I was infected with the new crown. I was lucky to survive. I was lucky to have her." Yi Fan turned sideways and tilted her head to look at her lover. Sun Yingjie was not as embarrassed and smiled half covering her mouth.

  Now walking on the road, Yi Fan always pulls Sun Yingjie to her side, holding her arms and hands.

In the past, they all went their separate ways.

After more than ten years of marriage, because of work, they stayed together for a long time. It was the first time for them to spend so long together. They spent birthdays, Valentine's Day, and Mid-Autumn Festival together. This was something that "did not even think about it before".

  There was still a black mark on Yi Fan's left thumb.

This hand used to be completely black, and the nails all fell off during the treatment, and new skin gradually grew after being discharged from the hospital.

Yi Fan said that this little bit of black will fade in a few months.

  "This is great." Besides the numbness of his left fingers, Yi Fan is very satisfied with his current physical condition. His opponents always pay more attention because "the doctor relies on these hands."

He feels that he has recovered 80%, but he has also made other preparations. "No matter what happens, just face it. If it doesn't work, change the battlefield and serve the patient no matter where it is."

Experience the new crown

  "I'm really worried that the doctor is eating by hand"

  Beiqing Daily: According to the report, in order to thank Academician Wang Chen in person, you took a taxi and chased him for 20 kilometers?

  Yi Fan: I am really excited.

At that time, his team was in charge of my treatment, and entering the cabin actually took a lot of risk.

There was still virus in the cabin at that time, and I turned negative at that time, but other patients were still positive.

In addition, there are many high-risk treatments that require him to make decisions.

I remembered the day that ECMO was withdrawn very clearly. Academician Wang told me that he was going to be withdrawn. The nurse also said during the rounds. I waited eagerly. I have always wanted to remove ECMO.

  Beiqing Daily: Do you regard the withdrawal of ECMO as a very important node?

  Yi Fan: Because I know to remove it, it means there is still a scene behind me, indicating that my condition has stabilized.

When I was on ECMO, a tube was inserted in my leg, and my leg couldn't move at all.

I can only move after withdrawal.

The doctor told me, because you know, you don't move around, so I loose your hands and feet.

I know this thing cannot be moved, and I dare not move it.

But a posture is very uncomfortable for a long time, and I can't stand it in a comfortable bed.

  Beijing Youth Daily: Will it be a difficult process to leave ECMO's support?

  Yi Fan: Actually, in terms of physical performance, I felt okay when I went to ECMO.

The whole machine helps you, you are not too tired.

The most tired and sad time is to withdraw ECMO.

For about 3 to 5 days, it was very difficult to rely on myself without machines.

I basically got better after more than a week.

  Beiqing Daily: What kind of feeling is that?

  Yi Fan: I don't have any strength on my body. I'm really worried about being paralyzed.

What should I do if I am paralyzed?

Our doctor eats by hand.

  Beiqing Daily: At that time, family companionship was very important, right?

  Yi Fan: When I first woke up, the lights were always on in the ICU, and I couldn't tell the difference between day and night.

There were no days at that time, and no days were counted.

I remember that when I was in the video with my spouse, she nodded when she said yes, but shook her head, like a kid talking.

The specific content is completely unclear.

  Beiqing Daily: What you want to see most is your lover and child?

  Yi Fan: I can't see her (child), I'm afraid she (child) can't stand it.

I know what I look like, I was shocked by myself during the video.

The patient becomes deformed to a certain extent, it is ugly, and it is impossible to see people.

It's not you at all.

Recovery course

  The body has recovered 80% from scratch

  Beiqing Daily: After being transferred to the general ward in April, the subsequent rehabilitation process will also be a big challenge, right?

  Yi Fan: At that time I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't eat, and I choked on drinking water.

Just like a child, you should start from scratch, exercise eating, swallowing, brushing your teeth, and pulling a towel.

When you drink medicine and water, you are all injected through the stomach tube.

  At that time, they told me that eating lollipops can exercise swallowing, so I asked them to buy some to bring in, or put an ice cube in their mouth and slowly melt it.

When I felt better, I tried to drink the medicine. I choked a few times and didn't dare.

If it chokes into the lungs, the lungs are easily infected, and aspiration pneumonia is terrible.

Later, the nurse smashed the medicine and punched it through the stomach tube.

At least I trained for more than a month before I could start eating.

  Beiqing Daily: You have to start training from scratch when you eat?

  Yi Fan: It's annoying to be unable to eat.

Looking at things, I want to eat everything, but I can't. How does it feel?

Later, I could finally eat something mushy, like baby rice noodles. The first time I should have eaten lotus root noodles.

  Beiqing Daily: To what extent do you feel your body has recovered now?

  Yi Fan: About 80%.

It's already pretty good.

I just came back in May, and I was tired after standing for a while. My clothes and pants were shaking on my body.

The whole person is like a bamboo pole.


  Waking up in a coma for a month, the whole world has changed

  Beiqing Daily: Did all this go beyond what you expected when you first fell ill?

  Yi Fan: I didn't expect to reach this point.

In the beginning, few of the patients around us had such severe infections.

No one actually expected this matter to be so serious.

When I woke up from a coma for a month, they told me that the domestic epidemic was fine, but the situation abroad was more serious.

I was thinking about what happened in the past month that turned out to be like this?

The whole world has changed, that's how it feels.

  Beiqing Daily: At that time did you have a more realistic understanding of your condition?

  Yi Fan: I was shocked when I saw the infusion sheet for the first time after I woke up.

The medicines on the infusion list are only for serious infections.

I usually don't use that high for patients.

Later, I gradually became more sober. When they gave the case report, they had a medical introduction. After I saw it, I realized that I was so sick.

I fainted for a month in the pulmonary hospital and knew nothing about my condition.

  Beiqing Daily: Will you still pay attention to the epidemic news now?

  Yi Fan: You do not watch it every day.

But I never read new reports every day.

I watched so many new people every day, whether they were Chinese or foreigners, and eventually died so many. I can’t stand it every day.

Don’t think it’s just a number. There are many of my classmates and colleagues in the number. They are all in it. I am also one of them.

  Things are impermanent, and now I feel that I must cherish my life and health even more.

You know how important health is when you can't do the normal people's breathing, eating, and drinking instincts.

  Beiqing Daily: Among the infected medical staff, the degree of attention to you has always been high. What do you think of it?

  Yi Fan: After being infected with the new crown, many people are in bad condition.

Especially at the beginning, it was really difficult. Many people did not heal well. I was able to be rescued from a critically ill condition and I have recovered well now. In fact, it may also be a confidence for everyone to make them feel that the disease can be recovered. , And the recovery is pretty good.

  In fact, we have also received excessive attention.

I really admire those family members who donated the remains of patients, and I may not be able to do this.

When you make this decision alone, you may be okay, but you may not be able to move the whole family.

Many of them, even making decisions without the knowledge of their families, are really great.

Without their dedication, there would be no way to have so much research.

Doctor-patient relationship

  "Medical care, patients, like a pair of comrades in arms"

  Beiqing Daily: After so many years of medical experience, what do you think of this profession?

  Yi Fan: It takes 8 to 11 years to study medicine in school, or even longer.

When you enter the hospital, you will get a little bit from the resident physician, attending physician, and deputy chief physician.

When a doctor sees a patient in pain, he must try every means to help.

Sometimes, even if they try their best, they still can't solve the patient's problem, and the doctor is actually very painful.

The doctor and the patient are like a pair of comrades-in-arms.

  Beijing Youth Daily: As a patient's experience, how do you feel?

  Yi Fan: I was very helpless. It was very difficult to go to the bathroom. I needed help for all meals and drinks.

I can't spit out the sputum, and I need a nurse to wipe it off.

If the nurse is not there, the sputum will be in your mouth.

They are also very hard. They can't stay on the side without leaving. Sometimes when they go out, they have to change water and get things.

It can only be done when they are there.

  You have never been a patient before, and you really don’t know what the other person needs.

From a doctor's point of view, if I treat you this way, you are right to listen to me, but sometimes you really don't know which is the most comfortable.

The patient is tossing, he must be uncomfortable, there is no discomfort, he will not make trouble, so try to understand.

  Beiqing Daily: Have a more personal experience of doctors and patients?

  Yi Fan: Yes, it is not easy for doctors and patients.

If I was in a bad situation at that time, the person next to me would be more anxious than me.

Once I took off the dialysis and went for a CT. After I got the CT, I had to prepare for more than half an hour to get on the machine again.

I kept vomiting there. The nurse was very anxious. She kept calling people to help, and they were really tired.

This time the epidemic is also, no matter what position, people are doing their best.

At the most urgent time, the emergency department is not enough, and other departments have to go in batches.

  For the patient, since you choose treatment, try to do it well.

The treatment process must be painful.

They intubated and pierced me, but it still hurts.

But you still have to do it. If you don’t find out a problem, you will suffer.

Like blood gas analysis, if the indicators are not adjusted properly, it will be life-threatening, and it is clear which is more serious.

It hurts once it hurts.

future plan

  "Just be a doctor, I won't know anything else"

  Beiqing Daily: Are there any special places you want to go since you were discharged from the hospital?

  Yi Fan: You can't shop anywhere now, don't bother others.

I also want to go out. I especially want to take my children to swim throughout the summer, but I can’t go and I’m not physically strong.

If you take the children, the family will also follow. I am also a burden.

So basically I stay at home by myself.

My wife can't stay at home every day.

  Beiqing Daily: How long did it take to go out for the first time after returning home from the hospital?

  Yi Fan: I stayed in the buffer ward for 22 days, and stayed at home for another 14 days.

After returning home, the door didn't dare to open before going downstairs.

You may feel that you are okay, but others will be a little worried and may feel uncomfortable when they know you are infected.

I went out when I got the green code, and refused to go out unless I got the green code. After 14 days of isolation, I walked in the garden of the community.

  Beijing Youth Daily: What do you do at home?

  Yi Fan: Starting from the third day, I practiced pinching beans with surgical tweezers at home.

Now I go to the hospital for two hours of rehabilitation every day.

  Beiqing Daily: Looking back now, how would you see this past experience?

  Yi Fan: I can only say that I am lucky.

Unfortunately, I was infected with the new crown and luckily survived, and luckily to have her (wife).

In the past, we walked separately. I was not used to holding her. Now we all walk.

  Beiqing Daily: Do you have any plans for the future?

  Yi Fan: Now it depends on the recovery. It is better to be able to do surgery. If you can't do surgery, you can do other things. Many things can be done.

My wife often encourages me with Dr. Tao Yong. We are all surgeons and I really admire him.

No matter what happens, just face it calmly. If it doesn't work, change the battlefield and serve the patient no matter where it is.

  Beiqing Daily: Still to be a doctor?

  Yi Fan: Just be a doctor. If you want me to do something else, I won't.

The country has invested so much to save me, I can't come back in vain.

  Text/Reporter Liang Ting Coordinating/Liu Mi