Unknown virus “Estimated up to 850,000 types exist” October 30 6:57

An intergovernmental organization that conducts a scientific assessment of biodiversity has released a report that estimates there are up to 850,000 unknown viruses that can infect humans.

He is calling for stronger countermeasures, saying that environmental destruction by humankind is making it easier for a global pandemic such as the new coronavirus to occur.

On the 29th, IPBES, an intergovernmental organization that conducts scientific evaluations of biodiversity, released a report summarizing the latest research results from around the world.

Among them, most of the infectious diseases such as new coronavirus, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and AIDS are derived from pathogens possessed by animals, and it is estimated that there are an estimated 540,000 to a maximum of 850,000 unknown viruses that can infect humans. I have.

Furthermore, the new coronavirus is the sixth pandemic of infectious diseases since the "Spanish flu" in 1918, and it is easy for a pandemic to occur due to environmental destruction caused by deforestation and expansion of farmland. It is pointed out that it has become.

In addition, the report said that the economic loss due to the outbreak of new infectious diseases is likely to exceed 1 trillion dollars a year in the world and more than 100 trillion yen in the Japanese yen, and review the way of consumption that leads to environmental destruction. It is calling for stronger measures, such as the regulation of international wildlife trade.