How to support "recurrent miscarriage" that repeats miscarriage and stillbirth The government will consider it October 30, 6:53


Regarding "recurrent miscarriage", which repeats miscarriage and stillbirth even if pregnant, the government plans to set up a working team of related ministries and conduct hearings from doctors and support groups to consider how to support it.

Recurrent miscarriage and stillbirth, which is pregnant but the fetus does not grow up, is becoming more common if the cause is clarified and appropriate treatment is given, but the high cost of examination and treatment is an issue. I am.

The government is considering expanding insurance coverage for infertility treatment in order to reduce the financial burden, and plans to expand the current subsidy system until it is realized.

On the other hand, regarding recurrent miscarriage, there is no national subsidy system, so support groups say that it is the same in the sense that they cannot have a baby, and demand that support be expanded to treat recurrent miscarriage. Is up.

Under these circumstances, the government has decided to set up a working team of related ministries and agencies chaired by Deputy Secretary General Sakai.

The working team will conduct hearings from doctors and support groups who are familiar with recurrent miscarriage, analyze the effects from treatment data, investigate the actual costs of examinations and treatments, and consider necessary support measures. I am.

A working team is expected to be launched early next month.