Dick kills a Filipino policeman

A Filipino police officer died after Dick had a sharp blade attached to his leg, as a result of an illegal Duke wrestling raid.

Christian Pollock, a police chief in the town of San Jose in the northern province of Samar, about 480 kilometers south of Manila, was taken to hospital after the accident that occurred on Monday (Monday), but his death was announced upon his arrival.

Bullock led a team of policemen in a raid on illegal roosters in the village and caught a rooster.

The provincial police chief, Arnilabad, said that the metal protrusion attached to the leg of the cock made a cut in the left thigh of the officer, which led to a rupture of the thigh artery.

He added in a statement, "My heart is burdened because we lost a brother who sacrificed his life in the name of the service ... It was an unfortunate accident and an example, unfortunately, that I cannot explain."

Abad said six suspects who had participated in the cockfights were arrested in the raid.

Cockfighting is popular in the Philippines, where legal fights are held in licensed venues usually on weekends, and spectators can bet on the outcome of the confrontations, which often end with the death of a rooster.