October 25th is the Double Ninth Festival. The world natural heritage site Sanqingshan is full of tourists. Zhong Yongxiong, the porter who is busy carrying goods to and from the top and bottom of the day, usually passes happiness to tourists, but does not have much time to spend time with his family. His mother is old On the Double Ninth Festival, Zhong Yongxiong decided to take advantage of the fine weather to accompany his elderly mother to go up the mountain to make up for the regret that his mother had never been to Sanqingshan.

  Zhong Yongxiong has been a porter for more than 30 years. He frugally supports a family of four.

Life is not easy, but he calmly faced it and created a porter dance, which was called "happy porter" by tourists.

  (Edited by Jiang Tao Lu Jie)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]