It's time to enjoy autumn!

Beijing will be sunny to cloudy this weekend

  China Weather Network News Today (October 24), Beijing will be mainly sunny to cloudy weather, the highest temperature is generally around 20 ℃, accompanied by sunshine, the body feels warmer in the afternoon; but the temperature will still be very low in the morning and evening , The body feels full of chills, you need to keep warm when you leave early and return late at night.

In addition, the weather this weekend is fine, and citizens should pay attention to wearing an extra coat when going out to admire the autumn leaves to avoid catching a cold.

  At 05:00 this morning, the weather in Beijing was "frozen." In many areas of the plain, the temperature was below 3°C. It was late autumn and the body felt very cold.

This morning, Beijing felt cold, and the streets were already a scene of late autumn.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory predicts that the next three days will be mainly sunny to cloudy weather in Beijing. Affected by the cold air, the northerly wind will gradually increase to level 4 on the afternoon of the 26th.

Specifically, today, Beijing is partly cloudy, with winds from north to south at second and third levels, with a maximum temperature of 18°C; at night, from partly sunny to cloudy, the minimum temperature is 7°C.

  Two days after tomorrow, Beijing will continue to have sunny to cloudy weather, with a slight increase in temperature during the day. The highest temperature is generally around 20°C, but the temperature will still be low in the morning and evening, with the lowest temperature still around 7°C.

  Since the beginning of autumn this year, under the influence of frequent cold air, the average temperature in Beijing has been slightly lower than usual. The red leaves on the mountains are all covered in advance, the golden ginkgo leaves are close behind, and the small ginkgo trees in the mountainous and outer suburbs are also replaced in advance. "gold".

This weekend, the weather in Beijing is fine, and it is more suitable for everyone to go out to enjoy the autumn leaves, but it is late autumn and you feel cold. You need to keep warm when you go out and beware of colds.