"Does really a lot of women in their 20s commit suicide? Why?"

This is the most frequently asked question these days.

Probably because I had a job called'counselor'.

However, I cannot provide satisfactory answers to those who ask.

There are two reasons.

First, it is because of the nature of the'counseling' that I do.

This is because I am not a psychiatrist or suicide-related centers, who are in a position to consult so-called people in a situation of illness or crisis, but because I am a person who provides preventive counseling for general citizens.

In terms of physical health, it is similar to the reason that it is difficult for local lawmakers to see the dead often.

Second, the reason why it is difficult to say the reason for the increase in suicide rates among women in their twenties is because it is a'recently discovered phenomenon'.

It means that not only me, but also many related practitioners and researchers have begun to detect the phenomenon and find the cause.

So it cannot be said easily.

Nevertheless, people want to know why.

I think that if you're an expert, you can quickly find out why and tell you why.

So sometimes you can find these biased answers too.

"The reason why women in their twenties are high in suicide rates is that women tend to need more social rapport, such as empathy, comfort, and support, compared to men. I think this is the reason that these conditions have been deprived of corona 19."

How are you?

Do you agree with this answer?

Not only do I disagree, I think it's a very dangerous answer.

In at least two aspects.

First, suicide is not simply caused by personality problems.

Whether an individual's temperament accelerates depression or a sense of crisis may have an impact, but the root cause of this can only be a glimpse of suicide.

Second, the need for more sympathy and comfort because'because I am a woman' is even more dangerous in that temperament is categorized by gender.

Obviously, however, indicators of high rates of suicide among women in their twenties are found everywhere.

It is clear that the suicide rate for women in their twenties increased compared to the same period last year, according to the Seoul Suicide Prevention Center and other agencies in charge of the country.

In other words, it is a fact that women are actually making more extreme attempts than men in their 20s.

However, it may be correct to grasp this in the context of social anxiety, not in terms of gender sensitivity.

It refers to social unrest in a sociological meaning that is different from social anxiety in psychology or psychiatry.

It can be defined as the degree of anxiety experienced by many members of society as a'social factor'.

For example, something like this.

When counseling is conducted in southern cities such as Jeonnam, Gyeongnam, and Ulsan, women in their 20s often talk about their worries about'disrupted careers and isolated relationships after marriage'.

This is in contrast to those of the same-year-old metropolitan area women who mainly focus on'work and careers'.

The average age of first marriage in the above regions is 30.07 and 30.80, while Seoul is 31.55, showing a big difference.

Social anxiety is that environmental factors are the background that causes individual anxiety.

From this point of view, it is worth noting that women in their twenties' extreme choices today may have earlier'times' when female youth experience anxiety compared to male youth.

Looking at the life cycle of young adults in their twenties in Korean society, men generally extend the transition period to student status from 25 to 8 years old due to military service, etc., while the period as a'subordinate' is relatively long, while women's from 23 to 8. At around 5 years of age this period tends to end.

In other words, as they enter the job market a little faster, it is clear that there are more female newcomers who are experiencing social crises due to COVID-19.

Of course, this can also be a very small one among the various causes, but it also means that counterexamples that the'female propensity' problem is not the absolute cause of the suicide rate are constantly found.

As research has just begun, there will not be one or two factors that gradually emerge.

Moreover, most importantly, experts predict that women in their twenties are not'poisonous' extreme choices, but that the suicide rates of other generations will increase gradually, starting with women in their twenties.

It means a traction group.

It is clear that it is related to the social crisis triggered by Corona 19.

So, rather than disparaging them from the perspective of the other or pointing out their weaknesses, we should consider their problems together.

If they're just'started first', their extreme anxiety, fear, and increasing suicide rates may get closer to us as well.

*Listen with SBS Voice.

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