Lu Yanfei jumped on the world podium

  More than 180 in 30 seconds, this is the 40-year-old Lu Yanfei's current skipping speed level.

Such achievements make it difficult to connect him with the image of him weighing nearly 200 jins four years ago, and he couldn't jump off 10 of them.

In order to lose weight, Lu Yanfei jumped continuously, jumping out of the world runner-up.

  In 2016, Lu Yanfei worked as a freight driver in Shenyang.

After sitting for a long time without exercising and having irregular meals, his weight soared.

"When it was nearly 200 kilograms, the whole person's physical and mental state was very poor. I panted when I moved, and I felt very tired every day." Lu Yanfei said, "I originally liked playing football, but later it became that I couldn't catch the ball. "

  It was difficult to continue the exercise that I liked before, so Lu Yanfei decided to find a new way of exercise to lose weight.

I tried brisk walking, square dancing, and badminton. In the end, someone in the square waved a fancy skipping rope, which attracted him. "The rope skipping requires relatively low requirements on the venue and personnel. It can be done by one person with a piece of land. The action is rich and beautiful. ."

  At the beginning of skipping rope, weight was the biggest obstacle for Lu Yanfei.

"I can't jump, how can I talk about practicing skills? The first month was particularly boring, my calf was sore and it was difficult to concentrate, and I had to survive by persistence." Lu Yanfei recalled.

One month later, he lost nearly 20 kilograms, from the difficulty of jumping even more than a dozen to one or two minutes without interruption.

Six months later, Lu Yanfei successfully lost weight by 50 catties. That winter, regardless of wind or snow, he came to the square to practice rope skipping by himself every day.

In the spring of 2017, when the rope skipping teams on the square gathered again, Lu Yanfei's skills had already come from behind.

A teacher encouraged him to try competitive fancy rope skipping. Lu Yanfei checked the Internet and found out that there was a higher level of fancy rope skipping skills.

  "Competitive fancy styles are more demanding. On the basis of increased speed, we can complete multiple swings, gymnastics, winding and other action routines." Lu Yanfei said that after contacting competitive fancy rope skipping, his practice field moved from outdoor to indoor.

In March 2018, he worshipped Hou Weidong, the world champion of rope skipping, as his teacher.

After half a year of training, Lu Yanfei won the first place in the 30-second single swing jump in the National Rope Skipping League.

In July 2019, at the WJR Rope Skipping World Cup, Lu Yanfei and his teammates won the runner-up in the 3×40 second interactive rope relay, and they won the third runner-up in the 3-minute single swing jump over 30 years old.

  "The sport of rope skipping has changed my life. It not only improved my health, but also made me stand on the world podium." Looking back on this journey, Lu Yanfei lamented that the first month of persistence was the most difficult. And one of his longest practice exercises is the basic skills of fast jumping.

  Today, Lu Yanfei has opened a rope skipping club in Shenyang, engaged in the teaching promotion of fancy rope skipping.

"I hope that more people can enjoy the benefits of rope skipping. I am very happy to see a lot of naughty children who use rope skipping to enhance their concentration and change their posture."

  Apart from teaching, Lu Yanfei is also preparing for the World Rope Skipping Championships.

Although she is already a veteran, Lu Yanfei believes that with love and unremitting training, she can continue to hit a higher podium.

  Our reporter Xin Yang