Company-led daycare center Actual use of childcare for sick children October 23, 5:25, requested by the Board of Audit for improvement

Among the "company-led daycare centers" maintained by companies with government subsidies, the Board of Audit investigated the actual usage of "sick childcare" to take care of sick children, and found that they were not used at all. It turns out that some facilities are effectively closed.

The Board of Audit requested the Cabinet Office, which has jurisdiction over the project, to make improvements, partly because the subsidy was received while the plan was inadequate.

The "company-led nursery school," which started four years ago with the aim of eliminating waiting-list children, allows employees' children to enter with priority, and the government subsidizes facility maintenance costs.

When the Board of Audit investigated the actual usage of 25 locations in 14 prefectures that were supposed to also carry out "sick child care" to take care of sick children, 8 locations were not required. In addition to being completely unused for childcare for sick children, it was found that there are three facilities that have stopped accepting and are virtually closed.

It is believed that the background was that the necessary number of nurses and childcare workers could not be secured, or that it became unprofitable, and that the subsidy was received with insufficient planning.

The Board of Audit has requested the Cabinet Office, which has jurisdiction over the project, to make improvements, saying that the examination and guidance by the public interest incorporated foundation selected by the government have not been properly conducted.

In response to the interview, the Cabinet Office said, "I would like to make efforts to properly implement childcare for sick children."